Passover starts at sunset yesterday to sunset
today- Remember to break bread in honour of his sacrifice and then
the Feast of Unleavened bread begins at sundown tonight with a feast ...
and ends 7 days later with a feast ... I apologize I got tricked this year into following the new Jewish or Orthodox Jewish days where they honour passover a day late mixing it in with the Feast of Unleavened Bread TRUE BIBLICAL passover is to last night sunset to tonight sunset!! They are two very different holy days. Feast of Unleavened Bread before sunset Remove all leaven from
your homes and diets for 7 days....Not the crazy Jewish rules.... simply
anything with baking soda, baking powder and yeast need be removed as a
symbol of removing sin from our lives..."a little leaven ruin the whole
lump" And eat a little unleavened bread every day as a reminder for 7
days :):) No weird religious rituals as some believe.... SIMPLY
recognizing our Saviour and what he did for us with his sacrifice.... To
honour Easter is to worship the false God Baal and the false goddess of
Fertility Ischtar, Eggs and bunnies symbolize fertility not
resurrection of our Saviour and is paying homage to false gods WHICH
BREAKS COMMANDMENT NUMBER 1 whether you believe that or is fact
Your choice from there
xoxoxox Doesn't really seem like a whole lot to ask when you consider
what payment he made for us does it?
For more details and Biblical references please check out by earlier blogs titled The true Holy days we are to Honour, Passover, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Hope you are honouring our Saviour this evening :)
God Bless xoxoxo
Monday, 14 April 2014
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Some Common Bible facts you may have THOUGHT you knew the truth on :)
I recently read an article titled "What if all you ever knew was a lie" . This article I found to be very informative and the author should be commended for his passion and knowledge in a great deal of areas that he addressed however there were a few corrections that need to be made where his Bible fact is concerned.
He mentions in his article there is a video called 'Out of Place Artifacts'. "This shows we have been here much longer than the official story of evolution and the Bible which blew the lid off religions." This is absolute fact but not for the reasons the author claims.
"The Bible dates back to approximately 6000 years ago. Assuming God created everything at this point in time, then there shouldn't be fossils older than 6000 years of age" We must keep in mind that it is man that is telling us that the fossils are older than 6000 years old. Man is infallible and has been proven so numerous times in the past.
Are you aware that there are trees, aquatic life, birds, and land life along with Dinosaurs all found in the same layers of rock and same time period? There is not only more proof for the argument of the same time period but they have also found fossils, sea shells and whales at the tops of mountains. How does a whale get to the top of a mountain unless it was under water at some point? And if it is mountains we are speaking of ,then a rather large if not entire earth would have had to be flooded in order for the tops of the mountains to even get wet! Another interesting fact -The flood was approximately 5000 years ago and yet there has been very little erosion in the last 5000 years.
Edmund Hilary climbed Mt Everest in 1953, at the 26,000 foot level he found seashells. The Andes mountains revealed fossilized oysters at 13,000 feet. Clams have also been found. The funny thing with clams, when they die they relax their muscles and their shells open up. These clams were found with the shells closed as if death occurred rapidly. Animals have been found with food still in their mouths which also indicates rapid death. We must remember that science is simply theory. This can be clearly seen in the amount of scientific theories that we have "corrected" over the time of history. What is amazing however is that many of our so called scientific discoveries were already addressed and ANSWERED in the Bible. One example would be Isaiah 40:20. We thought for the longest time that the world was flat even though the Bible has already told us the world was round. Another one? The Bible tells us there are springs in the ocean in Job 38:16. Until recently science or Man thought the ocean was fed only by rivers and rain. This helps to explain the worldwide Noah's flood as well :) One more?....ok what about Jeremiah 33:22 where God tells us the stars are incalculable- 'Science' used to think there were only 1100 stars.
Another interesting fact as well ....Medical science has also recently discovered that blood clotting in a newborn reaches its peak on the eighth day then drops. Why is this important? The Bible consistently says that babies are to be circumcised on the 8th day.
If you want to know what many in the science world stand for we just need to look back in history to a man with very little notoriety named Nikola Tesla.. If you don't know anything about him I would suggest you look into what he was trying to give to the world but has since been concealed. Tesla had a dream of giving the whole world free electricity. He was not a businessman but instead an inventor. There were many powerful businessmen who did not share in his views on free energy. His inventions and ideals threatened these companies wealth, profits and power and so his workshop was suspiciously burned to the ground, his patents stolen and his name slandered.Why would the powers that be go to such great lengths to keep hidden the technology that could make our lives easier? Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to buy everything that science says hook line and sinker.
The author addressed in the article that "if our history was revealed it would cause the power struggle to have to rewrite the indoctrinations and would make the current history teachers "look like idiots" There is very legitimate fact in this statement There has been a great deal of money put into science and especially the topic of evolution. The biggest deception associated with the theory of evolution is that it is being taught as if it is FACT in our public schools. Although many scientists have come out against the theory of evolution and are standing up for the scientific evidence which supports the Biblical truth of Creation there are not enough of them willing to risk their positions. Many are afraid they will be ostracized for speaking out and in some cases lose funding or grants for research. Instead many have chosen to continue the lie to our children and be a part of pushing an evil agenda to convince people that God doesn't even exist and we either came from an alien race or we slithered up out of the muck and are now complicated human beings with intricate parts, a high functioning brain and the ability to reproduce with lets be honest absolutely no skill required at all :)
The Bible is very clear "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" Genesis 1:1.... it also states the earth was "void and without form". The Bible is very clear on the 7 days of Creation and THE TRUTH of how everything really came about. Evolutionist scientists claim based to the 'best of their knowledge' and 'the age of artifacts' It has been proven numerous times that dating is a matter of opinion and not a real science as 10 different scientists placed in 10 different labs would give differing timelines on when the same artifact was created.
The author claims "It is obvious that RELIGION has been teaching half truths or full out lies right from the start. According to the 'Christian Bible', God created Adam and Eve and told them to be fruitful and multiply. Based on this premise we would all be products of incest" This statement is both true and false. Although the Bible is very clear in this area, most people don't see it because evil is very deceptively designed . When we try to decipher or interpret Gods words to our own understanding that is where "religion" comes from. Gods own words are revealed to us and in 2Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: HE states very clearly that there is no room for interpretation, rather everything has a definite meaning and purpose. A rather large misconception in this comment is calling it a "Christian Bible". Though it is true that the "christian" religion has adopted the Bible as the center of their religion they claim, the truth of the matter is most denominations or religions are not even taught what is really inside this wonderful book. Because of this, most denominations don't teach from the Bible even though most churchgoers aren't aware of that because they aren't reading it themselves.
The Bible was not meant for any religious denomination. No part of the Bible is meant for just the Jewish to continue or just the Christians. There is ONE HOLY BOOK with ONE MESSAGE for ALL GODS CHILDREN. We need to remember that this is written in history. Historical accounts are contained within the Bible, and at the time population wouldn't be anywhere where it is now. Certain peoples at that time were spoken more of, but it was never meant to be for a specific group of people, Jewish or otherwise as is commonly misunderstood. Once the truth becomes clear as to what was really happening at these times in history it should become clear that there was never intended to be different "religions" That is simply MAN again doing what he wants; taking the bits and pieces it wants to follow and spitting out the rest
'Religion' was never associated with God or the Bible. It is a deliberate deception and sadly that lie continues. So much so that the subject of RELIGION specifically and intelligently planned actually steers people in the total opposite direction of our Saviour.
Many versions of the Bible have been written. I have no problem with simply translating the book into another language for all to be able to read but in most "versions" that isn't what happened. Again man has instead interpreted and interjected ideas of what they understand Gods words to mean. In some cases scripture has deliberately been changed to alter the the intended meaning or entire parts have been removed from other versions which effectively creates a wedge between us and our Creator.I stick to the King James version as I agree with many bible scholars that it is the closest to the original script as translation to another language will allow.
The BIBLE was meant for every single person on the planet. Yes EVERY SINGLE PERSON. We are all Gods children and HE loves us all. Once you actually take the time to read it, will you see that the Bible is not specifically for any race or creed of people. It is not just for the Jewish, not just for the Christians, definitely not just for Catholics etc. YES Even the Muslims, Hindus, Mormons. We are all supposed to be reading the Bible... not false doctrine written solely by man ! No other book was inspired by God directly and most don't even hide that fact. The Mormons admit they follow a humans words by the name of Joseph Smith but then claim that they also follow the Bible?? You can't do both once you actually understand the gifts that God and this Book bestow. The Muslims admit as well that they follow Muhammed who was a prophet but still just a man. Some of Muhammeds writings were included in the Koran and this information is not hidden from the Muslim followers. Muslims do state they believe that Jesus existed but sadly think Jesus also was merely a prophet like they believe Muhammed to be and not the Son of God.
God created Adam and Eve this is absolutely true. God tells us that Adam was the first man created. Did you know that A-dam in Hebrew actually means "man"? Where did the misconception that Adam and Eve were the "only" people created at the time come from?? Not from the Bible. It has simply been taught to create doubt on the rest. It never in any scripture states that he created only two people. This becomes very clear as you read on in Genesis a little further when Adam and Eve have two sons Cain and Abel. Though most know the story of Cain and Abel they don't put the facts together by reading a little further along in Genesis. It says shortly after Cain takes Abels' life and then is banished to walk the earth for murdering his brother, he takes a wife. If God only created Adam and Eve who then bore Cain and Abel, where did the wife come from? This not only clears up the deception that Adam and Eve were the only people on earth but also then dispels the disturbing idea that God would condone Incest.
It needs to be made very clear that God never condoned any mixing of incest among ANY biblical characters. I'm not saying that cases of incest are not recorded and historically transpired in the biblical accounts but that was mans evilness that made those decisions against God. There is no biblical scripture at all that states God ever condoned such abominations and wouldn't. He didn't even condone Abraham having a child with his handmaid like most believe. Sarah was the one who did not have enough faith in God because of her age once he told Abraham that he would be a father of many nations. She loses her faith and tells her husband to impregnate the handmaid which later and predictably becomes a source of contention. Same goes for the account of Lot and his daughters when they deceive him, get him intoxicated and each get pregnant with his child. These children were the result of Lots daughters sins. One was named Moab and is the father of the Moabites today and the other is named Benammi and is the father of the Ammonites today. A definite division is seen here in the biblical text.. It needs to be made perfectly clear that all of these were against Gods wishes not with Gods permission at all.
The article also addressed "4 different blood types(A,B,AB and O) along with 2 different RH values(positive and negative). It is literally impossible to have 4 different blood types and 2 different RH blood values all from Adam and Eve" I think we have already addressed this question. Adam and Eve were not the ONLY people on the earth. This is easily answered once you realize we obviously didn't all come directly from 'Adam and Eve' and that others were also created at this time. This no longer leaves any question as to genetics.
"Noah and the alleged gathering of every pair of animals on the planet... How did he gather animals that were not indigenous to the middle east such as polar bears, penguins and sea lions" I'm going to go one step further. Before we explain the truth of the animals and how they entered the ark, let's first confirm for you that the global flood did take place. If you don't believe it occurred at all, it then becomes extremely hard to understand the animal aspect.
First we need to be able to rationalize and visualize the true story, not what we were merely told. The Bible states that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights Genesis 7:12. Noah was 600 at the time Genesis 7:6. It states the flood was upon the earth 40 days Gen 7:17 Waters were fifteen cubits or approx 22 ft 6 inches and the ark was 30 cubits or 45 ft tall. |After it rained that 40 days and nights, the waters prevailed on the earth for another 150 days [5 months] and everything that wasn’t aboard the Ark died. God made a mighty wind to pass over the earth and the waters began to recede. In fact, the Bible says that at the end of the 150 days of nothing but water, the Ark grounded itself on Mount Ararat. It was the 17th day of the 7th month of that year.
The waters continued to recede for a little over 2 months more, until on the 1st day of the 10th month, the tops of the mountains were exposed.
40 days after the tops of the mountains were seen, Noah sent forth a raven which never returned and it specifically says "and it flew to and fro" and then a dove to see if the flood waters were abated. The dove returned to him, unable to find land, so he waited a week and sent it out again. This time, it came back with an olive leaf in its mouth. He waited yet one more week and sent it out one last time, but it did not return.
In the 601st year, 1st month and 1st day [on Noah's birthday in other words], he looked and saw that the “face of the ground” was dry. But apparently not yet firm. On the 2nd month and 27th day, the ground was dry and God commanded Noah and those aboard the Ark to leave it.
So if we calculate the time that passed between the point where God shut the door of the Ark until God commanded them to leave it is all clearly laid out. Ok so now back to the animal situation.
Well we always go back to the Bible. If your question is simply, 'how would you gather all the animals to an ark in the first place' then that answer is simple. Its God. If He created everything then the animals because they don't have freewill would be under Gods control at all times which is something we like to disregard as "instinct". If you thought the idea of loading two animals on board were unbelievable then you may be really surprised to discover that was actually instructed to load 7 of all the clean animals and 2 of all the unclean and then 7 of all the fowls in the air both male and female. Genesis 7:2 A clean animal is one that God intended for us to eat and the unclean were not to be eaten. Once we know that it then makes sense that the edible animals would be more numerous for obvious reasons. This however makes the skeptic even more unsure. It specifically says that all the land animals that had the breath of life that were not in the ark would die and so they did. The animals inside the ark as well it needs to be addressed would have all been babies- a male and a female in pairs and then sacrificial animal for the 7th clean animals and then two of every other kind. But what animals would actually have been included? Lets take a look at that for a moment....Genesis 7:14 talks of animals "after their kind" . We must remember what was going on at the time. The reason for the flood was that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Genesis 6:5. It is at this point that you must understand the great detail that God left us to help us understand. He has written in Genesis 6:9 "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God" Sometimes to understand this scripture we must then look to other scripture for further clarification.
Today we will take a look at another book mentioned in our Bible that is no longer included. The book is called the Book of Jasher and is mentioned in two very distinct places in the gospels. It is first mentioned in Joshua 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. and then again it is made mention of in 2Samuel 1:18.(Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.) Why would God make sure it was in the Bible twice if he didn't want us to question? I know there are many who warn others to stay away from these books but if you don't research and follow the breadcrumbs left for us, how will you ever know the truth? This books title in English translates to the "Book of Righteousness" and details the lives of Enoch, Noah and Abraham.
The Book of Enoch elaborates on the mating of angels with human women resulting in the Nephelim or giant race that was not intended by God. In Jasher it speaks of other things going on at the time to corrupt Gods creations. Rather than elaborating on the genetic mixing of humans with angels as Enoch does, Jasher speaks of the genetic mixing of humans and animals...kind of like what we are doing today! This then would help to explain which animals made it on to the boat. You must really be able to visualize the size of the ark as well...(Do some research on it...the dimensions are in there specifically and even tells us where it lands in the Mountains of Ararat.) If only the pure animals(Gods creations) were allowed aboard the ark it then would help to make sense how it would be possible to fit 7 pairs of each animal ----simply take the young of each species. This still sounds like too many animals to fit in an ark at first thought except that again... this would not mean every type of modern animals that would have adapted from the original.... Example for the dog families... Noah would not have boarded each breed of dog rather knowing dogs stem from the wolf family,coyotes, etc it then makes sense that 7 pairs of wolves and coyotes for example were loaded and then the different species stemmed from the originals as time lapsed. So dogs, cats same thing, dinosaurs (only the vegetarian dinosaurs- the ones whose pictures actually indicate only the vegetarian dinosaurs survived) would have been loaded on the boat as others would have been a crossbred creation of the fallen angels. In history we see the hierglyphics and drawings of dinosaurs but all indicate that only the vegetarian types existed after the flood not the others. The evil man eaters if they existed wouldn't be aboard the ark. To then answer the question as to how did the polar bears, sea lions and penguins exist... bears we have answered by simply basic bear would have been boarded and adaptation of various bears would stem from them based on environment and habitat. The penguins and sealions were not land animals and would be at home in a flooded environment. Anything living in the sea was not boarded for obvious reasons.
"Most people will find it hard to understand that both religion and government will lie to you in order to fulfil an agenda. In religion look no further than the Catholic church who admitted that fictitious hell does not exist."
This one I love the opportunity to address. First off let me ask a question here. If you were Satan and part of the plan was to deceive enough humans so they sway from God wouldn't a perfect way to convince them be to tell them there is NO punishment for our sins committed here on earth? Take a moment and think about this and then look at what you already know or may not know of this 'religion'. When we take a look at historical facts pertaining to the Catholic church and its history it is very clear that this DOES NOT come from the Bible at all. Actually most of the Catholic religion do and teach the exact opposite of what God and the Bible teach. Catholics teach Sunday worship which they changed on their own authority through Constantines mother for a "Christian Sabbath" since she despised the Jewish. The true Sabbath day is Friday Sundown to Saturday was never changed. The Bible also says that no man is to be called Father on earth..Only our Father who art in heaven. What do we call the Catholic priests?? The Pope also claims to be God on earth... This is blatant blasphemy! The Second Commandment says thou shalt have no graven images. The Catholics whole religion stems around statues and saints. They idolize and pray to Mary as well as consistently commit idolatry. They even changed the Second commandment in their version the Bible so the masses wouldn't question it. So YES I WOULD AGREE absolutely that Religion and government are both about controlling the masses but God and religion are opposite ends of the spectrum. It is exactly the same as comparing Truth to Interpretation. They are not synonymous despite what most believe.
"In Genesis 1:26 It is stated "let us make man in our image. Who is 'us' and "our"? Some religious zealots will say it's the Father,Son and the Holy Ghost but this was long before the son was conceptualized, let alone Adam and Eve."
Again lets look to the Bible for the answers. First we must look at what scripture says in this area and also think of what was going on at that time. Genesis, the very first book in the Bible holds a lot of unanswered questions some claim; I say it holds many many answers. When a question is posed in scripture sometimes we must look further for the meaning or the relevance, and trust me when I say that nothing in the Bible is irrelevant. It all holds meaning whether we are conscious of it or not. To answer the question posed in Genesis 1:26 above, we must then look for other scripture to elaborate or better explain the information in this scripture. Although it is 'common knowledge' that Jesus did not exist until New Testament as 'the Saviour baby who lie in the manger" However that again is NOT BIBLICAL. First off think back to what you do know of Jesus's birth.
Most incorrectly believe that Jesus was a baby in a manger when the holy men showed up to pay respect and worship the Saviour. The fact of the matter is that Jesus at the time would have been closer to 2 years of age. This makes more sense when you refer to biblical scripture Matthew 2:11 "And when they were to come in the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshipped him" The words used are "young child" not "infant". It makes even more sense still when you realize that Herod ordered all children under the age of two years of old to be slew in the area of Bethlehem and the coasts surrounding. This all goes back to the original fall of the angels and the corruption of the seed to prevent the Messiah from being born. This is why this important part of Gods plan has been hidden from us by way of "religion" and misinformation. Once the Messiah was born he gave us all a way to be saved for eternity. That was Jesus's purpose in coming to die for us! When he died on the cross for us....he finished his purpose. WE OWE HIM ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD FOR THAT
Genesis 3:15 is a key scripture here in relation to who is 'us and 'them When God is speaking to Satan in the Garden of Eden right after Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge he states " and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise thy heel." The term seed here is very specific here and is a key to the above question. When one says that Jesus was not even conceptualized at this point, this scripture then needs to be addressed. This here very clearly states that The Messiah was already part of the plan from the very first Book and the First humans created! So how in anyway does that imply that Jesus wasn't even relevant until the New Testament? The truth is So far from this.
I have always had a hard time with the term "Christian" and did not think that it described my faith specifically in the Bible, God or Jesus. I again mean no offence at all here to any denomination or religion but I will explain what I mean a little further.
To me it only made sense and is completely rational thinking to say that there was only one Truth. If one religion could have so many different opinions or ideas of what the Bible says : the very same book they share, then how could they all possibly know the truth or do things the way God had intended if they are all different? I know this is huge argument against Gods existence for skeptics or non believers as well They feel, and justifiably so, if each denomination is celebrating different holidays, honouring different Sabbath days, and reading different 'opinions' or 'interpretations" of the Bible how could RELIGION be right? And that is exactly the ANSWER. It couldn't! That is what God finally revealed to me.... Man is trusting man to provide him the excuse to not understand or even know God and we are falling for it. Every time they say that religion is man made and has nothing to do with God or the Bible you are essentially correct!! But that's where they stop. The truth of Gods words are absolutely in the Bible and you will find them no where else but you are to read it and research it and build your own relationship with Jesus and God through it....Not what some religious leader tells you is in there and what "rules" you have to follow.
When skewed deceptively enough it could actually sway people to think that it then proves that God doesn't really exist and that the Bible are just words. The exact opposite is true once the hidden things become revealed.
The false teaching of the Pretribulation Rapture is a well known teaching and very popular among Christian denominations. Little known to most is that it is not biblical teaching and it actually comes from a book written by Charles Schofield called the Charles Schofield Bible. This book claimed the pre tribulation rapture was gospel even though it is exactly opposite of what God tells us in the Bible. Wouldn't we all WANT to believe we get to escape all the trials and tribulations that are prophesied to happen and will occur make no mistake; however wishing doesn't make it fact :)Jesus didn't escape tribulations, Moses didn't escape tribulations what makes us think that we will??
Are we all aware that everyone, no matter who you are or what you believe, will kneel in front of our Creator on the Day of Judgement and we will All be judged?
Ecclesiastes 11:9 "Rejoice, O young man in they youth, and let the heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgement" This day, not one person will believe in the theory of evolution, and everyone will confess that God is exactly who he said he is, The Creator of all things.
In the following scriptures take notice to the specific wording used and the deliberate use of the word 'All'.
In Romans 14:10 "We shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ" and as seen in Corinthians 5:10 "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad"
We will all have to give an account for our actions throughout this life Romans 14:12 "So then every one of us will give account of himself to God" and Matthew 12:36 "Every idle work that man shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement" This is very clear in its meaning that we all will be judged on this day, not only a select few.
Another misconception is that our loved ones are in heaven right now....We are all sleeping, no thoughts, no memories until the day of judgement..Everyone is at the judgement Ecclesiastes 11:9 and 2Corinthians "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." If people in heaven right now then they were permitted entrance without receiving any judgement and that would contradict the bible? The bible does not say that.
I guess my point is this. It is easy to criticize something that you don't know anything about... I know that many have been lead astray by their churches and their "religious leaders" and have been deliberately deceived in the area of the Bible and the truth it holds, but Jesus died for each of us and we must each take some responsibility to find out exactly why and what He gifted us with, when He did so. And my advice would be to stop listening to what you have been told is in GODS WORDS given to man to record for later generations and take the time to read it for yourself GOD BLESS XOXOXOXOX
He mentions in his article there is a video called 'Out of Place Artifacts'. "This shows we have been here much longer than the official story of evolution and the Bible which blew the lid off religions." This is absolute fact but not for the reasons the author claims.
"The Bible dates back to approximately 6000 years ago. Assuming God created everything at this point in time, then there shouldn't be fossils older than 6000 years of age" We must keep in mind that it is man that is telling us that the fossils are older than 6000 years old. Man is infallible and has been proven so numerous times in the past.
Are you aware that there are trees, aquatic life, birds, and land life along with Dinosaurs all found in the same layers of rock and same time period? There is not only more proof for the argument of the same time period but they have also found fossils, sea shells and whales at the tops of mountains. How does a whale get to the top of a mountain unless it was under water at some point? And if it is mountains we are speaking of ,then a rather large if not entire earth would have had to be flooded in order for the tops of the mountains to even get wet! Another interesting fact -The flood was approximately 5000 years ago and yet there has been very little erosion in the last 5000 years.
Edmund Hilary climbed Mt Everest in 1953, at the 26,000 foot level he found seashells. The Andes mountains revealed fossilized oysters at 13,000 feet. Clams have also been found. The funny thing with clams, when they die they relax their muscles and their shells open up. These clams were found with the shells closed as if death occurred rapidly. Animals have been found with food still in their mouths which also indicates rapid death. We must remember that science is simply theory. This can be clearly seen in the amount of scientific theories that we have "corrected" over the time of history. What is amazing however is that many of our so called scientific discoveries were already addressed and ANSWERED in the Bible. One example would be Isaiah 40:20. We thought for the longest time that the world was flat even though the Bible has already told us the world was round. Another one? The Bible tells us there are springs in the ocean in Job 38:16. Until recently science or Man thought the ocean was fed only by rivers and rain. This helps to explain the worldwide Noah's flood as well :) One more?....ok what about Jeremiah 33:22 where God tells us the stars are incalculable- 'Science' used to think there were only 1100 stars.
Another interesting fact as well ....Medical science has also recently discovered that blood clotting in a newborn reaches its peak on the eighth day then drops. Why is this important? The Bible consistently says that babies are to be circumcised on the 8th day.
If you want to know what many in the science world stand for we just need to look back in history to a man with very little notoriety named Nikola Tesla.. If you don't know anything about him I would suggest you look into what he was trying to give to the world but has since been concealed. Tesla had a dream of giving the whole world free electricity. He was not a businessman but instead an inventor. There were many powerful businessmen who did not share in his views on free energy. His inventions and ideals threatened these companies wealth, profits and power and so his workshop was suspiciously burned to the ground, his patents stolen and his name slandered.Why would the powers that be go to such great lengths to keep hidden the technology that could make our lives easier? Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to buy everything that science says hook line and sinker.
The author addressed in the article that "if our history was revealed it would cause the power struggle to have to rewrite the indoctrinations and would make the current history teachers "look like idiots" There is very legitimate fact in this statement There has been a great deal of money put into science and especially the topic of evolution. The biggest deception associated with the theory of evolution is that it is being taught as if it is FACT in our public schools. Although many scientists have come out against the theory of evolution and are standing up for the scientific evidence which supports the Biblical truth of Creation there are not enough of them willing to risk their positions. Many are afraid they will be ostracized for speaking out and in some cases lose funding or grants for research. Instead many have chosen to continue the lie to our children and be a part of pushing an evil agenda to convince people that God doesn't even exist and we either came from an alien race or we slithered up out of the muck and are now complicated human beings with intricate parts, a high functioning brain and the ability to reproduce with lets be honest absolutely no skill required at all :)
The Bible is very clear "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" Genesis 1:1.... it also states the earth was "void and without form". The Bible is very clear on the 7 days of Creation and THE TRUTH of how everything really came about. Evolutionist scientists claim based to the 'best of their knowledge' and 'the age of artifacts' It has been proven numerous times that dating is a matter of opinion and not a real science as 10 different scientists placed in 10 different labs would give differing timelines on when the same artifact was created.
The author claims "It is obvious that RELIGION has been teaching half truths or full out lies right from the start. According to the 'Christian Bible', God created Adam and Eve and told them to be fruitful and multiply. Based on this premise we would all be products of incest" This statement is both true and false. Although the Bible is very clear in this area, most people don't see it because evil is very deceptively designed . When we try to decipher or interpret Gods words to our own understanding that is where "religion" comes from. Gods own words are revealed to us and in 2Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: HE states very clearly that there is no room for interpretation, rather everything has a definite meaning and purpose. A rather large misconception in this comment is calling it a "Christian Bible". Though it is true that the "christian" religion has adopted the Bible as the center of their religion they claim, the truth of the matter is most denominations or religions are not even taught what is really inside this wonderful book. Because of this, most denominations don't teach from the Bible even though most churchgoers aren't aware of that because they aren't reading it themselves.
The Bible was not meant for any religious denomination. No part of the Bible is meant for just the Jewish to continue or just the Christians. There is ONE HOLY BOOK with ONE MESSAGE for ALL GODS CHILDREN. We need to remember that this is written in history. Historical accounts are contained within the Bible, and at the time population wouldn't be anywhere where it is now. Certain peoples at that time were spoken more of, but it was never meant to be for a specific group of people, Jewish or otherwise as is commonly misunderstood. Once the truth becomes clear as to what was really happening at these times in history it should become clear that there was never intended to be different "religions" That is simply MAN again doing what he wants; taking the bits and pieces it wants to follow and spitting out the rest
'Religion' was never associated with God or the Bible. It is a deliberate deception and sadly that lie continues. So much so that the subject of RELIGION specifically and intelligently planned actually steers people in the total opposite direction of our Saviour.
Many versions of the Bible have been written. I have no problem with simply translating the book into another language for all to be able to read but in most "versions" that isn't what happened. Again man has instead interpreted and interjected ideas of what they understand Gods words to mean. In some cases scripture has deliberately been changed to alter the the intended meaning or entire parts have been removed from other versions which effectively creates a wedge between us and our Creator.I stick to the King James version as I agree with many bible scholars that it is the closest to the original script as translation to another language will allow.
The BIBLE was meant for every single person on the planet. Yes EVERY SINGLE PERSON. We are all Gods children and HE loves us all. Once you actually take the time to read it, will you see that the Bible is not specifically for any race or creed of people. It is not just for the Jewish, not just for the Christians, definitely not just for Catholics etc. YES Even the Muslims, Hindus, Mormons. We are all supposed to be reading the Bible... not false doctrine written solely by man ! No other book was inspired by God directly and most don't even hide that fact. The Mormons admit they follow a humans words by the name of Joseph Smith but then claim that they also follow the Bible?? You can't do both once you actually understand the gifts that God and this Book bestow. The Muslims admit as well that they follow Muhammed who was a prophet but still just a man. Some of Muhammeds writings were included in the Koran and this information is not hidden from the Muslim followers. Muslims do state they believe that Jesus existed but sadly think Jesus also was merely a prophet like they believe Muhammed to be and not the Son of God.
God created Adam and Eve this is absolutely true. God tells us that Adam was the first man created. Did you know that A-dam in Hebrew actually means "man"? Where did the misconception that Adam and Eve were the "only" people created at the time come from?? Not from the Bible. It has simply been taught to create doubt on the rest. It never in any scripture states that he created only two people. This becomes very clear as you read on in Genesis a little further when Adam and Eve have two sons Cain and Abel. Though most know the story of Cain and Abel they don't put the facts together by reading a little further along in Genesis. It says shortly after Cain takes Abels' life and then is banished to walk the earth for murdering his brother, he takes a wife. If God only created Adam and Eve who then bore Cain and Abel, where did the wife come from? This not only clears up the deception that Adam and Eve were the only people on earth but also then dispels the disturbing idea that God would condone Incest.
It needs to be made very clear that God never condoned any mixing of incest among ANY biblical characters. I'm not saying that cases of incest are not recorded and historically transpired in the biblical accounts but that was mans evilness that made those decisions against God. There is no biblical scripture at all that states God ever condoned such abominations and wouldn't. He didn't even condone Abraham having a child with his handmaid like most believe. Sarah was the one who did not have enough faith in God because of her age once he told Abraham that he would be a father of many nations. She loses her faith and tells her husband to impregnate the handmaid which later and predictably becomes a source of contention. Same goes for the account of Lot and his daughters when they deceive him, get him intoxicated and each get pregnant with his child. These children were the result of Lots daughters sins. One was named Moab and is the father of the Moabites today and the other is named Benammi and is the father of the Ammonites today. A definite division is seen here in the biblical text.. It needs to be made perfectly clear that all of these were against Gods wishes not with Gods permission at all.
The article also addressed "4 different blood types(A,B,AB and O) along with 2 different RH values(positive and negative). It is literally impossible to have 4 different blood types and 2 different RH blood values all from Adam and Eve" I think we have already addressed this question. Adam and Eve were not the ONLY people on the earth. This is easily answered once you realize we obviously didn't all come directly from 'Adam and Eve' and that others were also created at this time. This no longer leaves any question as to genetics.
"Noah and the alleged gathering of every pair of animals on the planet... How did he gather animals that were not indigenous to the middle east such as polar bears, penguins and sea lions" I'm going to go one step further. Before we explain the truth of the animals and how they entered the ark, let's first confirm for you that the global flood did take place. If you don't believe it occurred at all, it then becomes extremely hard to understand the animal aspect.
First we need to be able to rationalize and visualize the true story, not what we were merely told. The Bible states that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights Genesis 7:12. Noah was 600 at the time Genesis 7:6. It states the flood was upon the earth 40 days Gen 7:17 Waters were fifteen cubits or approx 22 ft 6 inches and the ark was 30 cubits or 45 ft tall. |After it rained that 40 days and nights, the waters prevailed on the earth for another 150 days [5 months] and everything that wasn’t aboard the Ark died. God made a mighty wind to pass over the earth and the waters began to recede. In fact, the Bible says that at the end of the 150 days of nothing but water, the Ark grounded itself on Mount Ararat. It was the 17th day of the 7th month of that year.
The waters continued to recede for a little over 2 months more, until on the 1st day of the 10th month, the tops of the mountains were exposed.
40 days after the tops of the mountains were seen, Noah sent forth a raven which never returned and it specifically says "and it flew to and fro" and then a dove to see if the flood waters were abated. The dove returned to him, unable to find land, so he waited a week and sent it out again. This time, it came back with an olive leaf in its mouth. He waited yet one more week and sent it out one last time, but it did not return.
In the 601st year, 1st month and 1st day [on Noah's birthday in other words], he looked and saw that the “face of the ground” was dry. But apparently not yet firm. On the 2nd month and 27th day, the ground was dry and God commanded Noah and those aboard the Ark to leave it.
So if we calculate the time that passed between the point where God shut the door of the Ark until God commanded them to leave it is all clearly laid out. Ok so now back to the animal situation.
Well we always go back to the Bible. If your question is simply, 'how would you gather all the animals to an ark in the first place' then that answer is simple. Its God. If He created everything then the animals because they don't have freewill would be under Gods control at all times which is something we like to disregard as "instinct". If you thought the idea of loading two animals on board were unbelievable then you may be really surprised to discover that was actually instructed to load 7 of all the clean animals and 2 of all the unclean and then 7 of all the fowls in the air both male and female. Genesis 7:2 A clean animal is one that God intended for us to eat and the unclean were not to be eaten. Once we know that it then makes sense that the edible animals would be more numerous for obvious reasons. This however makes the skeptic even more unsure. It specifically says that all the land animals that had the breath of life that were not in the ark would die and so they did. The animals inside the ark as well it needs to be addressed would have all been babies- a male and a female in pairs and then sacrificial animal for the 7th clean animals and then two of every other kind. But what animals would actually have been included? Lets take a look at that for a moment....Genesis 7:14 talks of animals "after their kind" . We must remember what was going on at the time. The reason for the flood was that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Genesis 6:5. It is at this point that you must understand the great detail that God left us to help us understand. He has written in Genesis 6:9 "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God" Sometimes to understand this scripture we must then look to other scripture for further clarification.
Today we will take a look at another book mentioned in our Bible that is no longer included. The book is called the Book of Jasher and is mentioned in two very distinct places in the gospels. It is first mentioned in Joshua 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. and then again it is made mention of in 2Samuel 1:18.(Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.) Why would God make sure it was in the Bible twice if he didn't want us to question? I know there are many who warn others to stay away from these books but if you don't research and follow the breadcrumbs left for us, how will you ever know the truth? This books title in English translates to the "Book of Righteousness" and details the lives of Enoch, Noah and Abraham.
The Book of Enoch elaborates on the mating of angels with human women resulting in the Nephelim or giant race that was not intended by God. In Jasher it speaks of other things going on at the time to corrupt Gods creations. Rather than elaborating on the genetic mixing of humans with angels as Enoch does, Jasher speaks of the genetic mixing of humans and animals...kind of like what we are doing today! This then would help to explain which animals made it on to the boat. You must really be able to visualize the size of the ark as well...(Do some research on it...the dimensions are in there specifically and even tells us where it lands in the Mountains of Ararat.) If only the pure animals(Gods creations) were allowed aboard the ark it then would help to make sense how it would be possible to fit 7 pairs of each animal ----simply take the young of each species. This still sounds like too many animals to fit in an ark at first thought except that again... this would not mean every type of modern animals that would have adapted from the original.... Example for the dog families... Noah would not have boarded each breed of dog rather knowing dogs stem from the wolf family,coyotes, etc it then makes sense that 7 pairs of wolves and coyotes for example were loaded and then the different species stemmed from the originals as time lapsed. So dogs, cats same thing, dinosaurs (only the vegetarian dinosaurs- the ones whose pictures actually indicate only the vegetarian dinosaurs survived) would have been loaded on the boat as others would have been a crossbred creation of the fallen angels. In history we see the hierglyphics and drawings of dinosaurs but all indicate that only the vegetarian types existed after the flood not the others. The evil man eaters if they existed wouldn't be aboard the ark. To then answer the question as to how did the polar bears, sea lions and penguins exist... bears we have answered by simply basic bear would have been boarded and adaptation of various bears would stem from them based on environment and habitat. The penguins and sealions were not land animals and would be at home in a flooded environment. Anything living in the sea was not boarded for obvious reasons.
"Most people will find it hard to understand that both religion and government will lie to you in order to fulfil an agenda. In religion look no further than the Catholic church who admitted that fictitious hell does not exist."
This one I love the opportunity to address. First off let me ask a question here. If you were Satan and part of the plan was to deceive enough humans so they sway from God wouldn't a perfect way to convince them be to tell them there is NO punishment for our sins committed here on earth? Take a moment and think about this and then look at what you already know or may not know of this 'religion'. When we take a look at historical facts pertaining to the Catholic church and its history it is very clear that this DOES NOT come from the Bible at all. Actually most of the Catholic religion do and teach the exact opposite of what God and the Bible teach. Catholics teach Sunday worship which they changed on their own authority through Constantines mother for a "Christian Sabbath" since she despised the Jewish. The true Sabbath day is Friday Sundown to Saturday was never changed. The Bible also says that no man is to be called Father on earth..Only our Father who art in heaven. What do we call the Catholic priests?? The Pope also claims to be God on earth... This is blatant blasphemy! The Second Commandment says thou shalt have no graven images. The Catholics whole religion stems around statues and saints. They idolize and pray to Mary as well as consistently commit idolatry. They even changed the Second commandment in their version the Bible so the masses wouldn't question it. So YES I WOULD AGREE absolutely that Religion and government are both about controlling the masses but God and religion are opposite ends of the spectrum. It is exactly the same as comparing Truth to Interpretation. They are not synonymous despite what most believe.
"In Genesis 1:26 It is stated "let us make man in our image. Who is 'us' and "our"? Some religious zealots will say it's the Father,Son and the Holy Ghost but this was long before the son was conceptualized, let alone Adam and Eve."
Again lets look to the Bible for the answers. First we must look at what scripture says in this area and also think of what was going on at that time. Genesis, the very first book in the Bible holds a lot of unanswered questions some claim; I say it holds many many answers. When a question is posed in scripture sometimes we must look further for the meaning or the relevance, and trust me when I say that nothing in the Bible is irrelevant. It all holds meaning whether we are conscious of it or not. To answer the question posed in Genesis 1:26 above, we must then look for other scripture to elaborate or better explain the information in this scripture. Although it is 'common knowledge' that Jesus did not exist until New Testament as 'the Saviour baby who lie in the manger" However that again is NOT BIBLICAL. First off think back to what you do know of Jesus's birth.
Most incorrectly believe that Jesus was a baby in a manger when the holy men showed up to pay respect and worship the Saviour. The fact of the matter is that Jesus at the time would have been closer to 2 years of age. This makes more sense when you refer to biblical scripture Matthew 2:11 "And when they were to come in the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshipped him" The words used are "young child" not "infant". It makes even more sense still when you realize that Herod ordered all children under the age of two years of old to be slew in the area of Bethlehem and the coasts surrounding. This all goes back to the original fall of the angels and the corruption of the seed to prevent the Messiah from being born. This is why this important part of Gods plan has been hidden from us by way of "religion" and misinformation. Once the Messiah was born he gave us all a way to be saved for eternity. That was Jesus's purpose in coming to die for us! When he died on the cross for us....he finished his purpose. WE OWE HIM ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD FOR THAT
Genesis 3:15 is a key scripture here in relation to who is 'us and 'them When God is speaking to Satan in the Garden of Eden right after Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge he states " and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise thy heel." The term seed here is very specific here and is a key to the above question. When one says that Jesus was not even conceptualized at this point, this scripture then needs to be addressed. This here very clearly states that The Messiah was already part of the plan from the very first Book and the First humans created! So how in anyway does that imply that Jesus wasn't even relevant until the New Testament? The truth is So far from this.
I have always had a hard time with the term "Christian" and did not think that it described my faith specifically in the Bible, God or Jesus. I again mean no offence at all here to any denomination or religion but I will explain what I mean a little further.
To me it only made sense and is completely rational thinking to say that there was only one Truth. If one religion could have so many different opinions or ideas of what the Bible says : the very same book they share, then how could they all possibly know the truth or do things the way God had intended if they are all different? I know this is huge argument against Gods existence for skeptics or non believers as well They feel, and justifiably so, if each denomination is celebrating different holidays, honouring different Sabbath days, and reading different 'opinions' or 'interpretations" of the Bible how could RELIGION be right? And that is exactly the ANSWER. It couldn't! That is what God finally revealed to me.... Man is trusting man to provide him the excuse to not understand or even know God and we are falling for it. Every time they say that religion is man made and has nothing to do with God or the Bible you are essentially correct!! But that's where they stop. The truth of Gods words are absolutely in the Bible and you will find them no where else but you are to read it and research it and build your own relationship with Jesus and God through it....Not what some religious leader tells you is in there and what "rules" you have to follow.
When skewed deceptively enough it could actually sway people to think that it then proves that God doesn't really exist and that the Bible are just words. The exact opposite is true once the hidden things become revealed.
The false teaching of the Pretribulation Rapture is a well known teaching and very popular among Christian denominations. Little known to most is that it is not biblical teaching and it actually comes from a book written by Charles Schofield called the Charles Schofield Bible. This book claimed the pre tribulation rapture was gospel even though it is exactly opposite of what God tells us in the Bible. Wouldn't we all WANT to believe we get to escape all the trials and tribulations that are prophesied to happen and will occur make no mistake; however wishing doesn't make it fact :)Jesus didn't escape tribulations, Moses didn't escape tribulations what makes us think that we will??
Are we all aware that everyone, no matter who you are or what you believe, will kneel in front of our Creator on the Day of Judgement and we will All be judged?
Ecclesiastes 11:9 "Rejoice, O young man in they youth, and let the heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgement" This day, not one person will believe in the theory of evolution, and everyone will confess that God is exactly who he said he is, The Creator of all things.
In the following scriptures take notice to the specific wording used and the deliberate use of the word 'All'.
In Romans 14:10 "We shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ" and as seen in Corinthians 5:10 "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad"
We will all have to give an account for our actions throughout this life Romans 14:12 "So then every one of us will give account of himself to God" and Matthew 12:36 "Every idle work that man shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement" This is very clear in its meaning that we all will be judged on this day, not only a select few.
Another misconception is that our loved ones are in heaven right now....We are all sleeping, no thoughts, no memories until the day of judgement..Everyone is at the judgement Ecclesiastes 11:9 and 2Corinthians "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." If people in heaven right now then they were permitted entrance without receiving any judgement and that would contradict the bible? The bible does not say that.
I guess my point is this. It is easy to criticize something that you don't know anything about... I know that many have been lead astray by their churches and their "religious leaders" and have been deliberately deceived in the area of the Bible and the truth it holds, but Jesus died for each of us and we must each take some responsibility to find out exactly why and what He gifted us with, when He did so. And my advice would be to stop listening to what you have been told is in GODS WORDS given to man to record for later generations and take the time to read it for yourself GOD BLESS XOXOXOXOX
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