Prophecy Updates 2017 And Biblical countdown in Revelation
Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel prophecy - Jewish Rabbi was a top Talmud scholar with an inclination for the mystical. Before he died in the year 1217 he prophecized the Ottoman Turks would conquer Jerusalem and rule the Holy city for 8 Jubilee years 8x50= 400 years. Afterward according to Ben Samuel the Ottomans would be driven out of Jerusalem which would remain no mans land for over one Jubilee year in the 10th Jubilee year 2017 the Messianic age would begin***** Looking back on prediction Ottoman Empire did conquer Jerusalem in 1517...... 300 years after the rabbis death and was defeated 400 years later in 1917 as predicted. Jerusalem was taken without firing a shot.... He Stated THEN the Messiah would arrive after exactly so many jubilees and that year is come 2017. .
Rabbi Kaduri A few months before the death of Yitzhak Kaduri at the age of 108 on Jan 8 2006 he wrote the name of the Messiah in a small note which he requested to print a year after his death. When the note was printed, it revealed what many have known for centuries: Yeshua (Jesus) is the Mashiach (Messiah).
Using the Biblical name Yehoshua the rabbi and kabbalist described the Messiah using six words and hinting that the initial letters form the name of the Messiah. . Yitzhak Kaduri ”When the name of Yehoshua appeared in Kaduri’s message, ultra-Orthodox Jews in Nahalat Yitzhak Yeshiva (seminary) in Jerusalem, disputed this, saying that their teacher did not leave the exact solution for decoding the Messiah’s name.
The oldest Israeli Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, calls Jews around the world to return to Israel to escape the natural disasters that threaten the world.Rav Kaduri sent his aides to Prime Minister Sharon on the eve of departure to Washington, he called for the repatriation of the Jews.
He gave this message on Yom Kippur
According to Meiri, he published a statement signed by Rabbi Ariel Sharon after delivering a speech in the UN, where he must appeal to the Diaspora Jews calling for repatriation.
Rabbi Kaduri told his disciples that the current government will be the last government of “old age.” According to him, Sharon will be the last prime minister of Israel, and the new government will be the leadership of the Messianic suicide note and ordered him to open the year after his death. In 2007 the note was opened, It turned out that, in the opinion of Rabbi Kaduri, the name of the Messiah — Joshua which is another name for Jesus.
According to Rabbi Kaduri, he was told that the Messiah would not return until after the death of Ariel Sharon. ‘Within a little over two months after speaking these prophetic words Sharon was in a coma and Kaduri himself died.’
April 30 2007 Israel Today ran headline Rabbi reveals the name of the Messiah.
The Kaduri prophecy did not name a specific time or date in which Messiah would be revealed — only that it would not happen until after Sharon had died.
UK’s Independent reported:
Ariel Sharon in ‘critical condition’: Former Israeli Prime Minister’s health deteriorates further as blood infection detected
Mr Sharon has been in a coma for eight years after he suffered an incapacitating stroke at the peak of his career.
After initially spending months in a Jerusalem hospital, Sharon was transferred to the long-term care facility at Tel Hashomel. He was taken home briefly at one point but was returned several days later to the hospital, where he had been in a persistent vegetative state ever since.
Ariel Sharon died January 11 2014.
According to the Biblical scriptures as well ELIJAH MUST RETURN RIGHT BEFORE YESHUAS SECOND COMING
So lets look at Scripture
1ST SEAL white horse went forth conquering and to conquer
2ND SEAL Red Horse power given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth
3RD SEAL Black Horse Pair of balances the term penny translated denarius represents a days wage Wheat and barley specifically mentioned
4TH SEAL Pale Horse Death and Hell followed with him Power given to him unto a quarter part of the earth to kill with a sword with hunger with death and beasts of the earth
The visions of the first 4 seals deal with civil affairs of the heathen Roman Empire
5th SEAL marks the departure of the church from the doctrine of the apostles. Chastisement will continue until the great falling away from the Faith took place Church purged from hypocrits by a great persecution and those who endure to the end will be saved.
6TH SEAL Great earthquake -sun became black as sackcloth Stars of heaven fell to earth Heaven departs as a scroll
v 14 And every mountain and island moved out of its places Seal the servants of God in their forehead
7TH SEAL Silence for half an hour Great falling away marked as the 7th seal - man of sin revealed in fullness.
Signs in the Heavens
August 21 2017 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE dubbed THE AMERICAN ECLIPSE Add 33 days and then
SEPTEMBER 23. 2017-Revelation 12 sign that happens Sept 23 2017 happens during the Feast of the Trumpets (cause could be one of two days for the Feast of Trumpets. The Sanhedrin would decipher the day and announce it.)
12:1 Alignment occurs
12:2 Woman in labour Women collectively represents Israelites
12:3 Dragon appears
12:4 Dragon cast one third of the stars to the earth prepares to devour the child born to the woman -Who will go after the believers? the global system
12:5 Child caught up to the throne of God -Refers to the birth of Christ the Messiah and his ascension up to heaven because the Bible is cyclical what is the meaning in the End times?
12:6 Woman fled into the wilderness to be protected 1260 days
12:13 persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child - Israel
12:15 cast out water as a flood after the woman- overwhelming fear and persecution -Satan through the Anti Christ and the forces will persecute believers.
12:17 dragon wroth with the woman and went to make seed with the remnant of his seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ- coming after the people who believe in Yeshua and follow him
6 days after the Revelation 12 sign September 29 2017 A solar eclipse During the days of Awe This sign is for the gentiles
40 days exactly from the solar eclipse is the Day of Atonement 2017
* 687 BC Jonah given a warning to people of Nineveh - claimed they had 40 days to repent of their sinful ways or suffer punishment Jonah 1:1-4 Will America repent?
Revelation 12 Events
Isaiah 66:6 is one of the most prophetic images that goes with Revelation 12. 2 Timothy 2:15
Sign in the Heaven is the first event
The woman child was caught up to God and to his throne
And the woman fled into the wilderness where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there 1260 days Matthew 24 matches Rev 12:6
We also know the child will rule with the rod of iron (Not the same child in Rev 12:4 as Rev 2:24-28 Ist part Rev 2 speaks of the manchild Yeshua The child in Rev 12 speaks of an offspring of woman on earth (Israel) Then is coming for the remnant of his seed who hear the testimony of Jesus Christ -Christians
Astrological signs are a mimic of Gods Astronomy
Read Daniel 12:4 Isaiah 40:26
Matthew 16 Pharisees and Sadducess
Job 38:30-33 Mazzaroth, Arcturus with his sons, Orion and Pleides are all Constellations
Psalms 3:3, 147:4
Micah 5:2-3
Revelation 12 Crown of 12 stars Coma Bernice represent the 12 tribes of Israel
Program online that can check alignment going 4000 years back and 1000 years forward no other time does the sign align exactly as it described in Revelation 12 other than September 23, 2017
The only other time this appeared was when Adam and Eve would have still been in the Garden of Eden
First and last sign of our Lord and King
Read Luke 1:26 An angel fortells of Jesus birth Think of angels as stars in constellation
Revelation 12 birth...... 1st birth Yeshua Second birth Birth of the Kingdom
The alignment was similar as Revelation 12 sign when Yeshua was born except there was a different planet in the alignment. Michael the warring angel this time (Mars) will replace Jupiter in the lineup as the first time it would be announcing the King to the world but this time it is announcing War as Jesus is coming as a lion not a lamb this time.
Jupiter the king planet will enter into Virgos womb on around Nov 20 2016 (this would also be when the flood started 17th day in the 2nd month Genesis 7:11) starts to exit Virgo around Sept 9, 2017
Fulfillment of Revelation 12 is Sept 23 2017.
There are still skeptics out there so often does this alignment happen?
Statistics of this sign -
*The moon regularly passes through the constellation Virgo but only once every 19 years is she at her feet
*Jupiter passes though the constellation every 12 years but once every 83 years does in move in a retrograde motion in the Virgos womb for gestation period of 42 weeks.
*The sun moves through the constellation Virgo once a year and the planets Mercury Mars and Venus on rare occasions align
*On this particular day they align with the king star Regulis the 9th star in constellation Leo
This alignment occurs only once one other time in history 5932 years ago on Aug 15 3915 BC The time Adam and Eve in the Garden*
In the timeframe of approx 7400 years, Jupiter only does the 42 week gestation just under 100 times and on these occasions neither Moon, Mars or Venus are in the alignment
On Sept 23 2017 the comet 67P will cojoin with the moon -
Oct 6 2016 in the news Russia space agency same comet they sent a probe 12 years ago
Continue with Revelation 12
What is the dragon or the third of the stars?
threw them to the earth
meteor impact in bowl judgements
meteor trumpets
meteor at 6th seal
Something comes and draws all debris and starts pelting it at earth
NOTE :The moon cannot block out the sun for more than 8 minutes. Something blocked the sun for 3 hours when Yeshua was crucified. WHAT WAS THAT SOMETHING AND WILL IT COME AGAIN
There was a Celestial sign at Yeshuas birth
Celestial sign at Yeshuas crucifixion
Celestial sign for his return.?....
SABBATHS- You should understand what they mean and why God created them
7th day Sabbath - Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown Weekly rest for man to spend with God his family and doing Gods good works. It is forbidden to work on the Sabbath
7 year Sabbath- Rest for the land on the 7th year to allow the land to rest so that it would create and flourish like intended without being robbed of a renewal every 7 years
Super Sabbath - every 49 years or 7 sets of 7 years Then the 50th year is a Jubilee year.
Jubilee is a GIANT RESET BUTTONGod is the God of order he does not change
2017 = 40th Jubilee since Yeshua
= the 70th Jubilee since Moses initiated it with Gods teaching
= 120th Jubilee from Adam (Backup to Genesis 6)
Yeshua Fasted 40 days, Soleman king for 40 years, Saul king for 40 years, David king for 40 years
April 9-10 2017
April 10-11
Unleavened Bread Lasts 7 days
April 11-12
First Fruits 3 days in the grave
Count 50 Count 7 Sabbaths plus 1 day
June 3-4 2017
Sept 20-21
Feast of Trumpets give or take 1 day depending on Sanhedrin No man knows the day or hour refers to this holy day
Add 10 days
Sept 29-30
Day of Atonement
Add 5 days
Oct 4-11
Feast of Tabernacles Lasts 7 days
Last Great Day Oct 12 2017
hen the Bible says the day and the hour no man knows not the angels nor the son only the father He was not talking about the catching away or the wrath. We do know that timeline.
He left it for us so we would know. This could truly be the beginning of the End and now is the time to get serious about your faith and your walk with God. Decide today! There is nothing more important. Nothing is an accident Today should make that very clear for those sitting on the fence
This may be an indicator that Great Tribulation begins Sept 23 2017 What side do you fall on? As 2017 begins the Great Tribulation many will not make it all the way to the end
The Holy Days that have been fulfilled and the ones to still take place when Yeshua returns
Passover Symbolized by the blood on the door posts that would save the Israelites in the Exodus story.
Fulfilled With Yeshua being the lamb whose blood is what is covers us
Feast of Unleavened Bread Symbolized by Israelites removing leaven from their homes as a sign of removing sin from our lives
Fulfilled with Yeshua as the lamb who was completely sinless
Firstfruits 1st of the harvest goes to God as instructed in Leviticus.... this was when the sacrifices were still asked to be taken place
However we do not sacrifice anymore as Fulfilled with Yeshua being the first fruit raised up by God
Pentecost Fulfilled when Apostles filled with the Holy Spirit seeding the church and church age
The last 3 feasts still have to be fulfilled
Trumpets - 2 day festival start of Jewish New Year .... Day or hour no man knows. Tradition with this Holy Day is the trumpet blows 100 times The last trump or the last blast would be the 100th blast
10 days of Awe between the trumpets to
Day of Atonement represents the Great White Throne Judgement which is Judgement Day. This day only happens ONCE We are not judged individually when we die so the idea of going to heaven is pagan idea. We sleep until the time of resurrection. The idea of going to Heaven when we die is not biblical When Jesus returns he will resurrect those who are dead in Christ first, then those who are alive in Christ then the rest will lay dead until the 1000 years has passed. Then they will be awakened on Judgement day to receive their judgement and will be told exactly why they are not allowed to enter the kingdom of Paradise.
Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth)- 7 day feast foreshadow of the Millennial kingdom where Christ will walk with us for eternity.
Revelation 11:2
The Holy City shall be tread under foot 42 months
Revelation 11:7
The witnesses will prophecy for 1260 days
Revelation 11:9
Then will lie dead in the street for 3 and a half years
Revelation 11:11
After lying dead in the streets the spirit of life enters them and they stood upon their feet
More timeline details:
Daniel 12:7 A time times and half a time equals 3 and half years
Daniel 12:11 From time sacrifice taken away until the time of the abomination of desolation is 1290 days
Daniel 12:12 The exact amount of tribulation 1335 days!
Revelation 11 must happen before Revelation 12 ..... so Revelation 11 would need to happen before September 23, 2017. Will we hear about the witnesses coming on the scene or will the media keep that under wraps?
Revelation 13
- The sea represents gentile nation from which the Beast comes
- He is the final gentile leader known as little horn Dan 7:8,
- Willful king Daniel 11:36
- Coming prince Daniel 9:26
- Man of Sin 2Thess 2:3
- will perform miracles
- Both a person and an empire
- Description of the Beast connects to Satan and the 4th Beast of Revelation (The Roman Empire) Dan 7:7, 23
- Speaks blasphemy against God
- Will be told to make an image of the antichrist and cause that many that would not worship the image of the beast should be killed
- Rev 13:16 cause all small or great rich or poor free or bond to receive a mark in their RIGHT HAND OR FOREHEAD no one will be able to buy or sell without it
Horns and Head identified Chapter 17 His resemblance to a leopard a bear and a lion refer to the first 3 beasts in visions Daniel 7 represents the empires of Babylon Media Persia and Greece
What is happening October 31 2016 to October 31 2017
October 31 1517 Historic day when Martin Luther nailed his reformation to the door of the church exposing the Papacy He did not choose this date by accident He strategically planned to use this day to post his 95 page reformation EXPOSING ROMAN CATHOLICISM as an Anti Christ system
Pope Francis is currently uniting the Lutherans Signed a document Oct 31 2016 in Sweden heading to Oct 31 2017 to officially sign the documents that protestant reformation is over!!
September 23 2017 Revelation 12 sign Bringing the final signing of the end of the reformation. The role Sweden played in the Great Reformation enabled Germany to turn form Catholicism to the reformation
Who is Pope Francis
-comes out of Argentina
-1st Jesuit Pope ever
At reformation of 16th Century realized that many Catholics leaving the religion after reading the Bible for themselves so they started a counter reformation part of it was Ignatius of Loyola Founder of the Jesuits purpose toward the reformation They took part in the Inquisition. The Jesuits agenda is to unite the whole world under the Power of the Papacy Pope Francis is escalating this movement
So what is this October 31 agreement then?
It is fulfillment of Revelation 13 v 3 +4 Deadly wound will be healed Wound healed when ppl separated themselves from the Roman Catholic church
Revelation 13 v 12-17 About to be fulfilled
When Pope Francis wanted to reach out to the Evangelicals he rang his old friend Tony Palmer. During a leisurely meeting at the Vatican Palmer recorded a video of the Pope on his Iphone. Palmer took the film to the ministers conference in Texas organized by the prosperity gospel preacher Kenneth Copeland. Palmer introduced the film with what most count as the greatest Christian orations of the 21st century
Brothers and sisters Lutherans protest is over is yours....if there is no more protest than how could there be a protestant church He told the stunned audience that he was speaking to them in the spirit of Elijah who prepared the way for something greater than himself Francis than proclaimed that the miracle of unity had begun.
In 1999 the Roman Catholic Church and the protestant church signed a contract to no longer protest
So what does that really mean Well it means that if protestantism is removed then what will that open to happen?
What happened right after the Reformation in history? The true believers were persecuted at witchtrials and burnings at the stake. A few weeks after Tony Palmer gave this speech he was killed in motorcycle accident. The Reformation speech was meant to unite the two. What he set in motion is working. The Pope is bringing Protestants and Catholics back together again But who will they gather to persecute in the end times then? THE ONES TRULY FOLLOWING THEIR BIBLE
If you read
Daniel 6 and understand its meaning When Kings of Persia signed a document into effect did it entail worship? YES IT DID
This will too!
How can you be protesting the man of sin if you are busy protesting LGBT rights womens rights black lives matter etc? One cannot protest against the man of sin if you are taking part in protesting these societal distractions
1st angel The hour of judgement has come It is a Call to bring us back to the true Sabbath. Presently many Christians and all Catholics worship on the sun worshipday of Sunday
2nd angel Babylon has fallen Babylon has fallen Nature of the 3 angels is a protest They symbol you are sending is that in harmony no more protests
3rd angel if any man worship the beast and his image Identify who is the beast what is the mark
3 angels messages BIG PICTURE Laid aside the protestant reformation and called Pope Francis to have convinced the public that the protest is over
October 31 2017 The signing of the document will begin the countdown to the death of true Bible believers once again.
3 Destinies Revelation 13 v 10
Some will take up the sword those are the ones who will think that it is the right thing to do but remember what God says :He who lives by the sword MUST die by the sword, There will be many brethren that will take up arms
Rev 13:10
Some will be captured- remain faithful to the Lord possess you 10 days and then kill them. These will receive the crown of life The coup in Turkey just arrested 13000 people and they are discussing the death penalty..
Lastly some will Escape Survive and Endure until the Lord returns They escape at a future Passover. They go into the wilderness and get out of the cities He will establish the camp of the righteous God provides food and water and defense but we to bring our own shelter. It is why we simulate Sukkot. The journey is for 42 mths. The people who survive will see the resurrection of the Lord Jesus if you are keeping the commandments
The first group prepares lots of arms the second group prepares nothing and the 3rd group will be prepared as they are the ones paying attention We are the watchers on the wall And that is how we prepare. Physically spiritually and emotionally with Jesus by our side every step of the way.
Endangered Christians in Middle East
The West is indifferent when it comes to Christians. Christians in Syria and Iraq are the ones targeted for violence and forced conversion.
What the West follows is not a faith in God They are worshiping a false god and false religion. The whole idea was to make people question everything they knew to be true in past generations. To force people to reject the faith in God of the Bible the Creator of all in exchange for man made science explanations.
If you still dont understand look at the statistics
1.3 million Iraqi Christians displaced, murdered or taken prisoner since 2003
Syria had 1.8 million Christians before the Arab spring began in 2011
Assad currently rules Syria as a secular Arab nationalist
protecting minorities And America wants him out of power?It is ISIS AND ISIL who are actually targeting Christians and they are American made.
If we had not overthrown Saddam Hussein then would not have had the massacre of Christians that took place as Saddam was also a leader who protected minorities in his country from the beginning. The exact same will happen if Assad gets overthrown in Syria
West mainstream media is of course silent on this topic
v4 the 144000 are the firstfruits unto God They are without fault before the throne of God. They have been forgiven and have been wiped clean of their sins if any.
v8 Babylon is fallen is fallen
v12 Here is this patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith in Yeshua
Son of man appears on a cloud for all eyes to see This is where he gathers his believers
Revelation 15 The 7 last plagues For them is filled up the wrath of God
v5 Tabernacle of heaven is opened 7 angels come out of the temple with the 7 plagues
Revelation 16 The Seven Vials of Gods wrath Noisesome and grievous sores upon those who have the mark starts it off