To deny the Bible is to deny the Creator.
Research proves that book infallible with prophecy after prophecy coming true EXACTLY as prophecized and open to NO INTERPRETATION as written in Timothy.
We all know that there is only ONE truth, there are not different versions of it that's just common sense. It is a devils trick to make you believe the Bible was written by Man. It was penned by MAN as 'witness accounts' for future generations to read about since they were not here at that time.
What does the Bible say with regards to heaven? Strictly using the Bible as a source scripture makes it clear that we do NOT go to heaven and that this also is another lie told by man. . Heaven is an Egyptian and Babylonian lie. We are resurrected from the grave " the dead in Christ will rise first then those who are alive will be caught up with the lord in the air" at the last trump when Jesus returns. To deny that truth denies the whole promise of RESURRECTION which is key. . Why do you think Jesus resurrected Lazarus after 4 days and then kept his promise exactly 3 days in the grave? All as proof that we can expect that as well. Jesus did not even go right to heaven!..... 3 days his body lie in the tomb. And then HE TELLS us HIMSELF that no man is in heaven in Matthew You think after what Lucifer and the third of the angels did in heaven with the rebellion HE would chance letting imperfect humans In Heaven to destroy it? Its not biblical.
People will not be forgiven for blaspheming, idol worship or following their own rules ESPECIALLY the ones claiming to be teachers and are leading these people. He brings paradise to us with a new heaven and a new earth. No one is in heaven except God the angels and Jesus..Possibly Enoch and Elijah but neither of them died a human death so scripture says they were taken to heaven but never says they stay there. They could be on earth somewhere the Bible is not clear on that. They are the only two humans that did not die and were allowed to enter heaven or at least leave earth.
Heaven and Hell are both reserved for angels. Hell for the bad that disobeyed in the fall and for the remainder when armageddon happens. We get PARADISE brought to us.... brings a city enclosed with a gate around it where we will be protected from evil one last time before it is destroyed for good.And the disobedient will be thrown into a LAKE OF FIRE made specifically for Judgement day and HUMANS as well as the Beast, false prophet and Anti Christ. The Bible is very clear as well that if you take the Mark one will be tormented forever and ever.
There is more to being forgiven for our sins. Jesus absolutely forgives sinners all the time, murderers, prostitutes etc but you must ask to be forgiven AND you must follow his commandments and laws or he considers you lukewarm. The Bible is very clear that in the End times that the path is narrow for those who will gain entry into paradise and says that if you were still lukewarm by that time there would be consequences and there would be no forgiveness. There are things that are required to be forgiven. We cant just do whatever we want and think we are getting into paradise. God says that many who think they are saved are not . If you dont have a real relationship with him He will say "I never knew you"
It is called faith for a reason. It is all absolutely true but Satan tries real hard to convince people that the Bible is written by man so they think it is irrelevant. That book is proving true more and more true everyday and very recently the Bible started reading like a newspaper. One such prophecy is coming up Sept 23 2017. The Revelation 12 sign will be in the sky EXACTLY as described and has never happened before.......... People may want to start paying attention to what is coming Directly after that!!!-- your Pope is going to enter stage left and Declare the reformation to be over an that we are ALL CATHOLIC!!! What happened in history when reformation happened???? THE PERSECUTION OF TRUE BIBLE BELIEVERS STARTED and people.were being hunted down for believing in what Bible really says not what some priest or pastor says is in here. Sadly it is coming again.
The true believers know not to break the 4th commandment as well. REMEMBER To HONOR THE SABBATH AND KEEP IT HOLY. Its the only commandment to start with "remember" and its a dividing factor on who is true and who got tricked. Must be worshiping on Saturday not Sunday as changed by Catholics on their own authority THIS WILL COME INTO PLAY HERE SHORTLY and if you think his word is just a book you do yourself a huge disservice and will be tricked by the upcoming beast system. I pray that doesnt happen