Wednesday 29 January 2020

Are believers to judge?

Are Believers to Judge?
I hear the comment so often, in one form or another. It boils down to the question: “How can I judge someone else for what I think is their sin when I commit plenty of sins myself?” There are numerous ways the believer should respond. One answer is because Yahusha told us to do so see Matthew 18:15-18. A second involves the definition of Judging. If by “judge,” one means being unnecessarily harsh or “judgmental,” then no,  NO ONE should act that way. That was Yahusha’s point in Matthew 7:1. But Mashiach and the apostles regularly “judged” in the sense of analyzing what was right and wrong and declaring what fell into which category.
John  7:24 Judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment.
If one is doing wrong Yahuah will correct us.
Proverbs 3:
11 My son, do not reject the discipline of the LORD
Or loathe His reproof,
12 For whom the LORD loves He reproves,
Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.

Correction is not beating someone down with scripture but highlighting their errors with scripture to point them in the right direction IS EXPECTED OF US AS BELIEVERS TO KEEP OTHER BELIEVERS ON THE RIGHT TRACK and we are to do it with LOVE"  Unfortunately, most don't want to walk in the right way no matter how you share the news.

And this is why.  I don't just share the rainbows and butterflies of Yahuah. You must also share the justice seat HE sits on along with wrath, judgment, honor, and integrity. We have largely become lukewarm by spreading all love and no discipline unto the righteousness of God.

We are supposed to point to sin.  We are to correct one another and not hold our thumbs while we applaud them for surviving their sins!! We need to be truthful, a great lie is among us and we need to point it out all the time!!
Many people don't want to hear the truth, so then I'm not gonna sit here and yell at you, or criticize you for it, untill you start blaspheming the word or saying the paganism is true and the Bible isn't.   I don't beat people with the Bible I show the love and truth and go the other way if they don't want it. I plant the seed and let Yahuah water it with his holy spirit, if their soul doesn't allow for that seed to catch root then so be it. Feel good Christianity is deceiving the masses.

 Matthew 10:34[34]Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Yahusha showed both love and righteous anger.  He showed a hatred for wickedness, those who taught it, and those who defiled that which is holy (the temple).

Remember Yahusha Ha Maschiach HIMSELF chased the moneychangers out of the temple.

The main reason Yahusha came for us was to give us all one last chance at salvation. To teach us how we needed to act and how we were supposed to live. He explains how we worship HIM with our whole heart and mind and we are to treat others better than we treat ourselves.  We are to serve others with no regard for ourselves and have the faith to know that Yahuah will hold to his promises to always take care of our needs because He knows what we need before we do. We must have faith and with this faith, we can move mountains.   But we must know the truth in order to know what righteous judgment is and what is expected of us.

Righteous judgment would be anything that Yahuah had taught us in the scriptures including what Yahusha taught us while HE was here the first time. If the behaviour was condoned by Yahuah, it still would be, however, if  Yahusha himself would have spoken against it than it is not acceptable.  To inform someone that this particular activity or thought or action is not acceptable in the eyes of Yahuah than it is not JUDGING as many would like to falsely accuse.  It is doing exactly what is expected of us.  There is scripture in Ezekiel that clearly states that if you share the news and it is not accepted by the hearer than you are not accountable but if you do not share the message with people and that person is lost for eternity than this persons blood is on the believers hands for not sharing the truth with him.

We must do everything in LOVE and KINDNESS when sharing the truth that is the key but we are definitely EXPECTED to share the truth even if people falsely accuse you of Judging.

Spiritual Israel is blind

Is this clear to everyone?

Spiritual Israel is blind right now.  It has overtaken the Israelites and because of that the rest of the world is also blind to the truth.
We are to be the few that are different,  the ones set apart from the world to display the glory of Yahuah.  But sadly many are still asleep or barely awake to what is really going on around us. The deceit being taught through movies, books, magazines, video games, or television shows. If you are into any aspect of these things and can't live your life without them then you are not awake.  Art in its various forms is not just simple entertainment. They are indeed transformative forces used to shape us in the image that Satan wants us to reflect. Satan is the dragon and his whole goal is to deceive destroy and kill us. Many are waiting for a faked alien invasion which still could happen I suppose with the technology available, but the world needs to understand it has been already deceived by Satan, and it has been happening for a long time via the magic of Hollywood movies, glossy videos, the allure of games, apps, sporting events and various reading material.  The spirit of Yahuah cannot fully indwell you in you have one foot in the kingdom and one foot in the world. The remnant needs to reread  Isaiah 63:10.  Many will hear a message like this and do nothing to change.  Look at Mark 4:18-19  What fruits? The fruits of righteousness of course... the turning away from sin.
Luke 3:8 So where does spiritual blindness come from then? It is because they are rebellious. Ezekiel 12:2.  It is why they cannot hear the truth. It is never made plain by the spirit. It appears as a parable to them being hard to understand.  Sleeping Hebrews who refuse to hear and obey may think they have truth but truth is only revealed to those who hear and obey.  This takes us back to why Yahusha spoke parables in his day.  He replied in Matthew 13:11-13.  It explains why people cant see the truth about Sabbath or the other laws that are in effect TODAY. Or understand the laws at all.   For example, Tithing has nothing to do with currency.  We will discuss that in a chapter in the book as well.
John 12:40
Isaiah 6:10
Isaiah 33:15
Psalm 119:37
Matthew 5:28 all speak to guarding the eyes and the ears.

Reversing our spiritual blindness means giving these things up and turning back to Yahuahs plan for us
Micah 5:12 says Yahuah will put an end to all these things but until then we are to stay separate.
Revelation 18:4
**Psalm 91:9-10**
Look what Yahuah tells us in Jeremiah 3:14 Return home you backsliding children says Yah for I am married unto you (meaning I am your master) . I will bring you back to the land of Israel- one from this town and two from that family--from wherever you are scattered. This is a remnant. 
If you haven't received it already pray that Yahuah opens your eyes and does this for you and your family..

The name of this tiny village of Nazareth tells us something about the people living there and offers a clue to the identity of the child Mary would bear. Nazareth may come from the Hebrew netzer, which means “branch” or “shoot.” Sometimes when a tree is chopped down, a shoot will grow from the stump, allowing a new tree to spring up where the old one has died. That shoot is called, in Hebrew, a netzer. Why would the people who founded this village have called it “the branch”?

Much of the Old Testament was written predicting, or in response to, the destruction of Israel. The northern half of the country was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire in 722 B.C. The southern half of the country, known as Judah, was destroyed by the Babylonian Empire in 587 or 586 B.C. The prophets, in speaking about the destruction and re-emergence of Israel, used the metaphor of Israel being like a tree that had been cut down, but which would sprout up once again. Israel would be led by a messianic figure called “the branch,” so Isaiah 11:1-4, 6 says:

A shoot will grow up from the stump of Jesse;
a branch will sprout from his roots.
The LORD ’s spirit will rest upon him, 
a spirit of wisdom and understanding,
a spirit of planning and strength,
a spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD.
He will delight in fearing the LORD.
He won’t judge by appearances,
nor decide by hearsay.
He will judge the needy with righteousness,
and decide with equity for those who suffer in the land. ... 
[And in those days] the wolf will live with the lamb,
and the leopard will lie down with the young goat;
the calf and the young lion will feed together,
and a little child will lead them.

The netzer was a promise of hope. The word as used in Isaiah 11 pointed to the promise that, though Israel had been cut down like a felled tree, she would rise up once again. Fifty years after the destruction of Judah by the Babylonians, the Jewish people would return to the city of Jerusalem. Judah would rise up like a shoot. And the people hoped for the coming of the “branch” that the prophets foretold would lead the people—a messiah. (Jeremiah and Zechariah also use this same imagery, though they use a different word for “branch” than netzer.)

When the village founders named their village Nazareth they may have chosen this name as a way of expressing hope that God would once again restore Israel—that though Israel had been cut down by the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, and then the Romans, a branch would come up from the stump. They may have chosen this name because, in the words of the prophet Isaiah, it was a sign that there are no hopeless causes with God. They may have chosen this name as a way of articulating their hope that one day the Messiah would come to Israel. It was as if they were saying, “We believe there is always hope. We believe God will deliver us. We believe the day will come when God will send a new king who will deliver us.”

Little did they know that the branch foretold in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Zechariah would be a child who would grow up in their own village!
An excerpt from The Journey. 
Are we the Natsarim? I will do another writing to go into detail.