Tuesday 3 March 2020

If there is a God, why does HE allow his children to suffer?

No nation has turned to Yahuah for help. They all look to their governments, their earthly rulers, their scientists. "O save us, Mr Trump, Save us, Trudeau,  Save us  Mr Netanyahu.  Save us from coronavirus, save us from war, and terror, save us from the weather," This is the public cry.
The leaders respond in pride. " I have put measures in place, we have everything under control"  We put our confidence in men who cannot keep themselves alive with what is on the horizon, much less us. Instead of turning to the only Being that can save us, we turn to man; a foolish decision for which the world will pay.
They say "If there is a God, why does he allow children to suffer, why does He allow these things to happen?" But one does not understand that this would not happen if we did not worship through idols and disobedience to the True Creator God.  Without obedience, you have no protection against evil. Its that simple.
Satan is the one that does this evil. The true God Yahuah allows Satan, your god, to do his evil deeds because you have turned your back on Him. Instead, you have done what pleases you and instead have hated Yahuah and His instructions.  If you have rejected His protection and turned to man, idols, the things you have made, your technology and your science for help, HE will not protect you, So the choice is yours,  let HIM help you. That is FREEWILL.
However, even now, if the nations would turn to Yahuah,  He would stop the disasters from happening that Satan is creating. He would stop the death and the illness. But we are now so full of pride, so sure we are right, that the nations will not repent. The coronavirus is nothing compared to what Satan your god has waiting for you.
Man cannot stop him, only The true Creator God can!
Return to God.  Acknowledge that God made this world and that you have been wrong. HE will forgive. Yahusha paid the penalty of our disobedience and Yahuah will save, He will give protection to the individual. He promised he will not punish the righteous, with the wicked.
Never thought of yourself as wicked?  Look again. Because if you are being disobedient to Yahuahs commandments,  that is how God sees it. He is very clear that the disobedient, who do not live by His law of love will not be redeemed and will suffer the second death for eternity rather than spending eternity in paradise.
You have a choice, but you must choose, and not choosing is a choice by default.