Thursday 14 February 2013

Why wouldn't people WANT to believe in God?

A whole different set of questions arise when one asks “Why wouldn’t people WANT to believe in God?” This one seems a little easier to answer. People don’t want to believe that a record of how we chose to spend this gift called life is being kept and that everyone will answer for their actions on the Day of Judgement. It will not matter at all that day whether you believed in God or not. The Bible states very clearly that ever knee will bow and every mouth will confess that Jesus is Lord. Isaiah 45:23 "That unto me every knee shall bow every tongue shall swear. Surely, shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength.”  And on that day of Judgement we will be judged -everyone of us, believers and non -believers alike. Romans 14:11”for it is written As I live saith the Lord, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to God. Let us not therefore judge one another any more:but judge this rather,that no man put a stumbling block up or an occasion to fall in his brothers way.” 
At that point everyone will question did we choose to do what God wanted us to do? Did we spread his love and kindness among all people? Did we strive to make this world a better place or did we make greed a priority?  Did the precious “things” become more important than the people God provided in our life? This day is coming and will come for all regardless of your personal belief system Are you ready? xo

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