Thursday 5 September 2013

We society have fallen into the very trap set by Satan

We society have fallen into the very trap set by Satan to get us to break Gods commandments. We have been tricked by Satan and in a big way!!I'm going to give you a different perspective to look at from a different point of view and lets see what you think.

In the last 50 years or so a lot of changes have taken place and been accepted by society. Lets start out as recently as sending women to work under the guise of equal rights. In doing so this step 'toward progress"  took both the man and the woman out of the home for at least 8 hours a day. 8 hours a day that now meant that children would need to be cared for during this time by someone other than a parent. This lead to an increase in daycare as a necessity and resulted in children being raised by someone other than their parent increasing the family income and the bottom line for the ones making the money creating employment from it.  This would however affect the bonding process to some degree and more truly doubled as a way to break up the family unit.  What else happened as a result of women entering the workforce? The governments were able to obtain more taxes as you now have 2 people you can take tax from. It also further opened the door for the public education system where the children are taken out of the home at the age of 5 years old and indoctrinated on a daily basis with what can only be truly recognized as brainwashing techniques that train us what ``success in our world" is.  The ones who simply take orders and follow instruction from memory are the ones who are seen to excel and receive good grades. They are the ones who want to be head of the class or class president.
The ones who either see that there is no real benefit in most things being taught in school or in anyway useful in the real world are either seen as slower learners or attention deficit. Maybe its simply that at the end of the day people have figured out that most if not all employment skills can be taught on the job and the schooling you take to get there has absolutely NOTHING to do with what you will do for your career in most cases.  This now leads me to the money grab called college and university. Don't get me wrong I was bamboozled myself I have a college degree and my Certified Financial Planner exams and am only one 6 hour exam away from my Designation and that is why I feel confident to say this.  We all have access to all the information you pay for in school over the internet. This same information is what is being taught in lecture halls and classrooms for thousands and thousands of dollars.  If you don't know it yet you will soon realize that the system is setup so that in most cases being self taught is not recognized. There are the odd professions where you can challenge the exam without formal schooling however not too many. "That degree is needed", they say! The infamous degree....oh yes....that thing that sits behind my end table at home on the floor collecting dust.... THAT NO ONE  has ever asked me to see. Nothing I learned working as a financial advisor in one of the Big Five Banks

 I learned in my years at school- Not even how to sell mutual funds.  Even though you can pass the exam without really knowing anything about the subject simply by MEMORIZING information and being able to put it to paper or check a box accurately. That's not right. Being licensed to sell something to people who put their trust in you by simply by memorization(passing an exam) is a little naive in MANY fields.

We are taught from a very young age that you are to grow up, go to university or college to start your work career that will afford you a life in this society. Once that is completed we are to buy a house and get married, have children and then continue to work 40 hours plus a week away from our families all so we can buy THINGS and pay for the home we were told we had to have. Of course we all know that these things are never really paid for. The more money we make the more we want so we continue to get credit to afford these things. These things are what then enslave us even further by now forcing us to continue to work 40 plus hours a week. This keeps the family apart and still causes stress amongst families as the cycle never ends.
So because we think we have it all figured out over here....our families are broken, our children are being raised by people other than their parents and as society is showing in many cases WITHOUT moral structure. They are being taught that simply following orders is success and free thinking is frowned upon or worse yet UNPOPULAR and dangerous to speak ALOUD. Our children have been forced into situations of student loans all to come out of school and there be no jobs available for them.  
Still think we are making the right decisions today? If not change it.... one person at a time if we have to.  Its not as hard as one would think, you just have to be willing to give up possessions and the longing for them. Realize that everything you need is in God and what he has supplied you. 
Your health and a way to stay healthy if you follow his word
Your families and friends RELATIONSHIPS ARE KEY- no one ever asked to see their Porsche or their money when they are exiting this world. 
Know that love and helping your neighbour are the PATHS to happiness not money. If we could all just figure this out and act accordingly, our children might just have a fighting chance xoxoxoxo

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