Monday 18 March 2013

Secret Government/Societies TODAY and HOW IT RELATES TO Biblical prophecy.

Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy

What is a "kook" in our society? People who are eccentric and a little crazy,people who talk about government secrecy or are they the people who bring out real details about a specific events long before others want to accept it as fact? George Carlin was quoted as saying " Kook, there’s a word! Now it’s conspiracy. They’ve made that something that can’t even be entertained for a minute – that powerful people might get together and have a plan? Doesn’t happen! You’re a kook, you’re a conspiracy buff! – George Carlin
That is how much impact our media has. All one has to do is to use the word 'conspiracy' to get people to disregard information as invalid.

While reading Matthew 24 and looking for other explanations or ways to dispute everything I was finding, it became clear that I couldn't .
I looked at both the media view we are presented and what we like to call the truth and compared it to what I was discovering to be the real truth and then researching what was written down thousands of years ago.

I have  recently in the past, been called a conspiracy theorist and a bible thumper but the thing you need to know is before this research, I sadly have to admit, I didnt give the bible a second thought. After starting my research with the political and economic trail and trying to refute what some of the leading economists were predicting for the upcoming economy, I started to realize there was a lot more truth than was ever originally told to the public and for a very good and sinister reason.  If you dont know the past then you cant know what to look for in the future. We would do well as a society to keep in mind that history does repeat itself if forgotten or ignored.  You can fail to accept what is happening around you but it wont stop it from happening.

The term 'New world order' used to be a conspiracy word that one would claim was just a far fetched theory. Well now its no longer a word used in secret. One only needs to refer to Bush seniors speech where he mentions backing the idea of a New World Order. Clinton has used the terminology of a New world Order, Gary Hart on C-span interview mentions the New world order term as well as the present President of the United States Barack Obama himself has used the term New World Order. Thats only a few.  Stephen Harper, our own Canadian prime minister has been quoted as saying "It isnt really a Canadian economy anymore, it is a global economy...I know some people wont like it, it is a loss of national sovereignty but it is a simple reality" This is no joke and is no conspiracy I assure you. Our prime minister very casually told us that we are no longer a free independent country and we didnt bat an eyelash!

If you have been reading my blog then you already know I dont like the term "religion" when dealing with the topic of faith in our saviour Jesus Christ and will not use it interchangeably. The term 'religion' holds a negative connotation for many for obvious reasons and has caused many wars as many skeptics use as a way to refute Gods word. It is the main arguement non believers use against the idea of faith; and I can totally see why at first glance especially if you don't know your bible or if you don't  understand what is going on behind the scenes.  A main point we must remember is that not all religions actually speak for God just because they claim to.

God and religion are two very separate things. One thing we must keep in mind when discussing facts and truths according the bible is this;  if the bible is so untrue, one must first ask themselves why it was hidden from the public initially and kept locked up only for Catholic bishops?  Another question we must ask is this,  if this is being done intentionally to make us believe this is happening then why is the other side trying so hard to make it come true?

The goal of the New World order is one world govt, one world religion, one world currency and one world military. This plan initially sounds to most at first glance like a great step toward world peace; all countries working together toward a common goal, until you realize that it will inevitably be enforced under a single one world RULER or POWER.  Currently there is an organization that holds an awful lot of global power and that organization is called the United Nations. When you realize that one world government one world religion and one world currency and one military are also prophecied to happen in the Holy Bible at the time of the end,  it becomes very hard to ignore.

The United Nations is not the only organization working toward the idea of  peace and world unity.
The groups involved in the world peace or global dominance agenda include the Trilateral commission, United Nations, Club of Rome, and the Council on Foreign Relations to name a few.
The captains of the CFR were Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller.   The Federal bankers that established the Federal Reserve in 1913 also funded the CFR.  James Warburg, a member of the CFR in 1950 was quoted as testifying before the US Senate stating "We shall have world government whether or not you like conquest or consent" Why is a peaceful organization making such dictatorial comments and better yet why is this not highlighted and relayed to the public? This organization and its agenda should be clearly in the headlines but they control what makes it into the media and to who the information goes out to.  You can listen to Hiliary Clinton slip through media coverage press conference that she took her orders from the CFR.?? Isn't she supposed to take orders from the people?
Each step accomplished by the New World order takes people further and further from God.
Most people dont want this to happen but it is happening and its happening by conditioning.

Knowledge is power.  This is why our leaders keep information from the public. It gives them total control.  Dwight Eisenhower tried to warn the American public about the military complex and the reprecussions of  giving them too much power in his resignation speech, followed by the JFK warning in one of his final speeches just before his assassination but we didn't listen then and we still arent listening today.

History shows that all secret societies trace back to Egyptians, Babylonians and the Sumerians. The Freemasons were reportedly created in 1717 with the first lodge built in London.  Approximately 60 years later in 1776 the "Illuminati" was born and made up of Freemasons, banking elites and religious people. Every major war since the French Revolution has been reportedly orchestrated by the group referred to as the Illuminati. 

The term "Illuminati" itself carries a conspiracy theory tag. People don't want to believe these truths even when the people pulling the strings state in their own words what their plans are.  Amstel Rothschild was quoted as saying "Give me control of the nations money supply and I care not who makes its laws"
Putting this into perspective its not hard to realize the truth and believe the facts supplied that the Rothschild family funded both sides of the two world wars and actually every war in the last 200 years FOR PROFIT.
They ended up owning the Bank of England in the process.  The Rothschilds' eventually became royalty with intermarriage between the two families. Once you are aware that the Royal family has ties to Germany and to the Nazi connection and that Prince Philip renounced his titles to downplay his family's involvement it isn't so hard to see.  Prince Philips sisters however still married into German nobility which followed nazi beliefs. 
Throw in the source of  Royal money stemming from opium production and then compare today how the American troops in Afghanistan are having farmers turn their fields from crops of food into crops of opium and it becomes even more clear.

It is common knowledge that American entered WW2 based on Pearl Harbour attack. It has since been declassified that Roosevelt intercepted the threat and chose not to alert the navy which lead to the Americans backing the war even though Germany never attacked the US.
WW2 paved the way for the creation of Israel as its own nation and the development of the United Nations as a worthy cause.

Once you know that this deceitful agenda works on a Hegelian Dialetic system:
THEY Create the problem.... civil unrest and upheaval
 So they can Control the reaction....police controlling protests with violence
and then THEY Provide a solution that works in their agenda to further the plan ...further personal liberties to be taken as  a solution to keep everyone safe!

What about a little more recent personalities or public figures?  The Bush family has had a huge amount of power in this agenda as well it must be known. The very family that ran the country for 16 years in total have a corrupt history that is not hidden.  Bushs' grandfather Prescott Bush helped Hitler to get into power and it has been reported that he loaned somewhere in the amount of 130 million dollars.  There is some evidence to show that the financiers wanted to preserve communism and get rid of nazism due to the fact that Hitler was creating his own currency just like the Federal Reserve.

Saddam became another next target of Illuminati with the collapse of communism in 1989. Saddam was selling oil to lower his countries debt which then lowered the price of oil by flooding the oil market. This in exchange lowered the value of the American dollar. As far as the people in charge were concerned he was becoming too independent and needed to be stopped. In Jan 1991 Operation Desert Storm occurred.  Years later Saddam tried the same thing Hitler tried and was dealing in gold rather than the US dollar for trade. In 2003 Saddam was overthrown in a mere 5 weeks and was eventually put to death for war crimes on December 30, 2006. Theatrical displays were done to convince the people how heinous Saddam was. A well known speech given to a political forum airs an imposter claiming to be an Iraqi nurse. She told a story of how babies were taken out of incubators on Saddams orders and left to die on the cold floor.  This was later proven to be a huge deception on the American public as the girl who testified was actually the daughter of a Saudi Bin Nasir Al-Sabah who was the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US and Canada.
If Bin Laden did 911 you might ask why did we go after Saddam instead? It has to be known as well that the Bush family did  business with the Bin Ladens repeatedly as the Bush family is very involved in oil production. 3 generations of the Bush family are also documented as being part of the secret society Skull and Bones. This organization is also associated with Yale University and there is a hollywood movie done loosely on this organization called The Skulls. If you watch it you will realize the undertone of the movie is probably a lot more real than hollywood wants you to believe. 

When we refer back to the Bible and specifically the Book of Revelation it speaks of nations being divided into 10 kingdoms....The Club of Rome which was the first attempt at the United Nations Global government proposed dividing the world into 10 kingdoms. Im curious to see if the United Nations has the same future plan proposed?

This plan is in full swing and has been working toward its final goal for some time now

It is time for education and truth.
Take the time to research this information yourself and actually read your bibles. Dont take anyone elses word for whats in there or what you may have been told is in there, pick it up and read it :)

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