Friday 15 March 2013

When you understand who the disciples and gospel writers were....there is NO question who Jesus is ;)

Before you could believe you have to know who the disciples and the gospel writers were. The 12 disciples included people from all walks of life at that time, including a tax collector, fishermen, and a man of the city. The disciples are listed in 4 places in the Bible in Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19 Luke 6:12-19 and Acts 1:13. The disciples by name are Simon known as Peter, Andrew, James the oldest brother of John, John,Philip, Bartholemew, Thomas known as 'Doubting Thomas', Matthew, James known as James the younger or the less, Thaddeus also known as Judas the brother of James. When John refers to him he refers to him as Judas, not Iscariot, Simon the Zealot, Judas Iscariot the traitor and then Matthias who was chosen by the remaining disciples after Judas fell away.  Skeptics like to point out the minor differences in the scriptures but neglect to mention that there are no contradictions at all once researched. It is simply due to the use of first names, last names and nicknames that the minor differences exist.  The disciples were all reportedly martyred except one and John reportedly grew into old age. The others were brutally martyred, yet they stood firm that Jesus was exactly who he said he was. Would you allow yourself to be tortured and stoned to death if you didnt really see the things they said they seen regarding our Saviour Jesus Christ? The death of James is the first of the apostles murder and is actually described in the New Testament.

Matthew was a tax collector before becoming an apostle.  His narrative is from the standpoint of a pious Jew. It is meant to prove how completely Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament scriptures. Mark was an associate of Paul. Marks message was directed more to the Romans in that day and is the shortest gospel. It is commonly accepted that Peter may have supplied much of the material stated in Mark.  Luke was a companion of Paul and a well known physician. He undertook intensive research before writing his book and traces the Lords geneology back to Adam. The Book of Luke is the longest of the four gospels. John was an apostle of Christ and the main message is seen in the famous passage of John 3:16.

The best evidence however to prove the validity of these events is from the people who rejected him. From the 2nd to the 5th century, historical and theological texts were written about his death, his disciples and even their deaths. Atonius Historian of Rome confirms the biblical account of Rome and confirms the expulsion of the Jews from Rome.
Assyrian text confirms the accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke and also confirms that darkness covered the land on Passover. Even Roman historians confirm that Jesus was crucified under Roman rule,  just to name a few.

No one in the world has ever had an impact like Jesus Christ did.

Below is a list compiled that proves that Jesus Christ fits numerous prophecies of the Messiah and the Coming Saviour.

Foretold in Old Testament and proven in Jesus Christ himself in New Testament

Genesis 3:15   Born by seed of a woman    Luke 1:35, Matt 1:18-20
Isaiah 7:14      Born of a virgin                 Matthew 1:23
Genesis 3:15  He will bruise Satans head   Hebrews 2:14 John 3:18
Genesis 22:8  The Lamb of YHWH  John 1:29
Gen 9:26-27  The God of Shem will be the son of Shem  Luke 3:36
Gen 12:3       As Abrahams seed we will be blessed all nations Acts 3:25-26, Matt1:1-16
Gen 12:7      The Promise must be made to Abrahams seed  Galatians 3:16
Gen 14:8      A priest and a King also   Hebrews 6:20, 7:2
Gen 14:8      The Last Supper foreshadowed   Matt 26:26-29
Gen 17:19    The Seed of Isaac  Romans 9:7
Gen 26:2-5   Seed of Isaac Promised  John 1:2
Gen 49:10    From the Tribe of Judah  Matt 1:1-3
Gen 49:10    The time of his coming Luke 2:1-7 Galatians 4:4
Gen 49:10    Called Shiloh or One Sent  John 17:3
Hosea 11:1   Called out of Egypt  Matthew 2:15
Zechariah 9:9 King on a Donkey
Exodus 12:21-27 Christ is our Passover Corinthians 5:7
Zechariah 11:12 Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver Matthew 27:3-5,9
Isaiah 53:9       Buried in a rich mans tomb Matthew 27:57-60
Isaiah 53:9     Died with the wicked/ He was crucified between two criminals Luke 23:32-33
Psalms 34:20 Not a bone of the lamb be broken John 19:36
Exodus 13:2   Blessing to be the 1st born son  Luke 2:23
Psalms 118:22   Rejected by his own people
Psalms 22:16 Crucified 7(00 years before crucifixion used) Luke 23:22-33
Psalms 22:16 Zechariah 12:10 Pierced his hands and feet John 19:34,37
Zechariah 13:6  Wounds in his hands
Isaiah 53:1-6 Messiah will be rejected, birth, death, resurrection. Jesus was a substitute to Gods wrath.
 Isaiah 53:7 And he opened not his mouth
Isaiah 53:8 God laid the transgressions of mankindCorinthians 15:3 Died for the sins of the people

It is important to note as well that there are Over 500 witness accounts of seeing Jesus after his resurrection  just as he promised...exactly after 3 days and 3 nights.

I dont know about you but I think its pretty clear. The Bible was not written simply by man and are not simply stories to teach morals. Jesus is definitely the Messiah and he is coming back just as he said he would. Do you still have doubt?

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