Thursday 11 April 2013

Economic crisis ...What does Jesus say about it in the Bible?

Economic crisis ...What does Jesus say about it in the Bible?

"If you take the liabilities of the US, the public debt, unfunded pensions, retiree health care, underfunding with regard to medicare and social security as of Sept 2010, the US alone would have had to have 62 billion aprox in the bank to cover all those obligations."  If your deficits mount then either the debt ceiling must be raised or social and entitlement programs must be cut back.
Currently the US wont default as they are the world reserve currency so they can just print money or have the Federal Reserve print more money but at this point it is affecting interest rate risk, currency risk, and inflation.  A few hundred billion in cuts at this point is not going to make any difference. Many don't believe it will happen here but make no mistake it is coming. The Bible talks of times of tribulation that will come upon this earth.  God also reveals to us patterns in the Bible.  He very clearly describes the Sabbaths, the Holy Days, the Shemita year which is every 7th year and what that entails and the Jubilee year which is every 50th year and its importance. These things are very significant and God wants us to know this information. 

I have completed a blog on the Sabbath and the Holy Days but have not yet went into detail on the Shemita year and the Jubilee years and how they are extremely important in helping to figure out the timeline that God wants us know and look for. 

For the purpose of the topic of the economic crisis the knowledge of the Shemita year needs to be understood.

In Leviticus God clearly gives us details on what we are to do and not to do on certain years. God tells us the year we enter a promised land is a Jubilee year so the year Joshua entered the Promised land would have been a Jubilee year.  Calculations can be done from there to figure out future jubilee years. One of these years that God speaks of is the Shemita year which is every 7th year.  After 7 groups of 7 years or 49 years pass, the next year or the 50th year is the Jubilee Year.  Certain things are to be followed in a Jubilee year but we will deal with more of the Shemita for this blog.  Ok so we know that every 7th year is a Shemita year. What is supposed to happen every 7th year on a Shemita year?
One of the things that are to take place is the forgiveness of debt among Gods people every 7 years. Remember disobedience is the reason that Gods people were made to walk the desert for 400 years. This was judgement for not following the Shemita year and forgiveness of debts. Many were corrupt and greedy and following their own indulgences.  This is happening again and is why we have suffered judgement in the Shemita years rather than blessings.
The last two Shemita years were 2000-2001, and 2007-2008.  Does anyone remember what happened to our economy in both of those years??

It is important to note that September 25, 2014 to September 13,2015 is another Shemita year.
Because September 13 this year falls on a Sunday which also happens to be the beginning of the Feast of Trumpets (another one of the seven Holy day we are to honour)  we may well see another economic collapse happen on the last business day before which this year falls again on September 11.   It needs to be made mention of that this Holy day is very significant as it  signifies and pertains to the timing of the 2nd coming of Christ.

This year is also the last year of the 4 blood moons that ranged from Passover 2014, Feast of Tabernacles 2014, Passover 2015 and Feast of Tabernacles 2015  There was a full eclipse on March 20, 2015 and will be another partial eclipse on September 13 the day the Shemita year ends.
None of these are coincidence and should be taken for the warnings they were meant to be.  This is Gods grace. He told us to look for the signs in the heavens and he also tells us what else will follow.
Economic collapse and famines, riots, pestilence, and death are all coming but so is salvation. Please read your Bibles and don't fear. As long as you have the Lord you have all that you need xo

They have continued to print more money in the US and erode savings. They have borrowed from foreign lenders until they wont lend anymore. Prices for essentials and staples are on the rise and will rise dramatically. Food clothing and utilities including commodities will continue to rise until foreclosures become the norm rather than the exception.   Other countries and entire generations have had these social issues for decades  but we don't know hardship on this continent, not like some countries.

But what does Jesus say to do in economic hard times?

Jesus tells us to remember the Poor.  In tough times we tend to tighten our wallets and start to hoard things rather than share. That is the time that people need the most. In times of desperation is when we should work together rather than alone.  Satan would want you to hoard so don't listen to him.

The whole idea Jesus was relaying throughout the gospels ...
Blessed is he who considers the poor, the Lord will take care of you in your time of need.
 Proverbs 19:17 "He who hath pity on the poor lendeth unto the Lord: and that which he hath given will he pay him again."

Plan carefully and be diligent, work hard. You can prosper in tough times with Gods glory.Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing, but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat" 

Try to stay out of debt/Get out of debt... Romans 13:8 "Owe no man anything, but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law"
Proverbs 22:7" The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender"

Earn what you can.... Save all you can.... Give all you can!!! If you are sharing then God gives you more cause he knows that he can trust you with it ;)
Those that are faithful in God will be taken care of ....Jesus' whole gospel is about loving and giving!
Don't worry about financial issues as God will take care of his children if we are following him. Use the brain he gave you and make smart decisions. There will be economic disasters and there is one on the way I believe wholeheartedly. This one is going to be far worse than anything else we have seen as we are in a GLOBAL economy today. Just Stock up on what you can control and leave the rest to God.
Not everyone is as aware as they should be to be best prepared but maybe just maybe this will change a few minds xoxoxo

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