Tuesday 2 April 2013

How did evil originate?

How did evil originate?

The bible says very clearly that before the creation of humans, Heaven was filled with angelic beings.
Satan was created by God thousands of years ago as a perfect angel. He was first named Lucifer which means Light Bearer.  Lucifer was very close to God.  He was beautiful and had astonishing qualities of leadership and organization. He was "full of wisdom and perfect in beauty" Ezekiel 28:12-15. Isaiah 5:20 says his knowledge is vast, and Lucifer is smarter than we would think. He was referred to as "the anointed cherub that covereth" meaning selected for a specific purpose seen in Ezekiel 28:14

That however was not enough for Lucifer. His wisdom became corrupted by his intellect. He became as defiled as his inequity Ezekiel 28:16-18
He allowed his focus for God to turn toward the focus on himself.  What is referred to as Satan's 5 I wills are listed in Isaiah 14:12-14"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of morning! how are thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most High"
Lucifer began destroying the principles of Gods 10 Commandments. God ordained all the laws of physics to govern the world we live in. Lucifer convinced some of the angels that Gods laws were restricting freedoms and chose open rebellion against Him seen in Revelation 12:4. Matthew 12:24 2Peter 2:4, Jude 6.

The Lord knew that Lucifer had to be expelled to run his course outside of heaven so the world could eventually be rid of evil. Had Lucifer been allowed to remain in heaven it would have corrupted the perfection and there would be no peace at all in the world. The next step was war. Rev 12:7-9

Lucifer the Light bearer then became Satan the Adversary. It says 'he deceives the whole world' in Revelation 12:9

How could God and the angels be sure that the humans created wouldn't side with Lucifer?  God put the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden as a test,which they were told not to eat from. Satan found out the plan and called out to Eve from the tree to engage her in conversation Genesis 3:4-6.  In Genesis 3:15 it explains the curse against the serpent who is the devil and explains that God would one day send a saviour to defeat him;  that saviour would be born from the seed of a woman.
Angels guarded the tree of life in Genesis 3:24. Adam and Eve were banished. Even plants and animals were affected; plants now have thistles and animals attack one another.

From this fall we can clearly see that we humans have been given a great gift by God from the beginning; something Satan was given but abused.  God created humans in flesh knowing we would fall so he could redeem us. If he made us spiritual beings like the angels, we would have been banished forever along with the fallen angels with no chance of redemption. God never intended for us to know pain or trials but Adam and Eve made choices.
Lucifer took the knowledge that God gave him and traded it for Adam and Eves inheritance. From that point on Lucifer, now Satan would continue to trade "secret and forbidden knowledge" to mankind for a price. This price includes the manipulation and exercising of power and control over our lives.
Dominion of the earth then became Satan's.  We need to remember that God tells us that we can't serve two masters in Matthew. In Romans 5:12 God warned us that disobedience would bring death and now humans loom under the threat of death "Wherefore, as by one mans sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned"

Satan attempted to seize power by killing Jesus on the cross but that was not to happen
He was to come to the world born as a child,  minister for a short time, and die a horrible death so that mankind could be provided one last chance at redemption.
The wonderful gift that God gave us; the Creator himself took our sins by standing in our place. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

The spiritual war wages around us and Satan is the master deceiver. He feeds the world false information about himself and his plans. Many people including Christians dismiss his existence while others see Satan as the proverbial joke.

Satan is alive and a very real threat. The Bible calls him the 'god of this world' 2Cor 4:4. He proceeds to tempt man to sin against God on a daily basis.
God has ordained that Satan have a certain amount of time in this world. He has given Satan a long leash that God is constantly holding onto. Most obvious question then remains "so then why not destroy him??"
God could take out Satan any time he wants and he will but in his time.  This is Gods plan, Our Creator,  and we have to have faith. We need to show wisdom through patience and faith in his word that He can and will deal with every situation including Satan. In Ezekiel 28:18 he tells us 'we need not fear.'God knows when we walk in and out of  temptation that His wisdom shines more brightly. We can disagree with God and his ideas of how this needs to happen but if you do ultimately you will reject God and his ways and will be easily led astray.

Follow him and the gift he has given us and he will not forsake you. You, nor I can fight this alone. To make any other decision just seems foolish. God Bless xoxox

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