Thursday 18 April 2013

The True meanings of "Israel" referred to in Biblical scripture

The True meanings of Israel

4 Israels' referred in the Bible:  Political, Religious, Geographical and Spiritual

Political refers to the everyday workings of the political Israel, much of it is run through Godless means. It reflects the sinful nature that the entire world struggles with.

Religious Israel refers to a small percentage of Orthodox Judaism. These are not the people referred to as the saved unless they believe in Jesus Christ.

Geographical Israel is the actual re-establishment of the nation of Israel that occurred in 1948. The actual becoming of a physical nation as prophecized in one day

Spiritual Israel consists of all Believers in Jesus Christ, not a religious group. Spiritual Israel is made up of "True Israel and True Israelites" who belong to Yahweh. This is not speaking of living in  Geographical Israel or having to be born "a Hebrew"....Its much bigger than that!! Its the HUGE piece of the puzzle that would pull it all together and end all the confusion if  fully understood.

When the Bible speaks of Supporting Israel... God is referring to support for Geographical and Spiritual Israel or Yahweh's TRUE believers.....HE is not necessarily referring to Political or Religious Israel.

This made a huge difference and filled in a few more gaps. This is not referring to any denomination of Christianity or Judaism or Muslim religion being right. Its not about pointing fingers as who is wrong and why.  Its about finding the truth in the scriptures despite what we have been told in the past or taught since childhood. When you realize the truth behind both sides of the Israeli and Palestinian wars and the involvement many powerful countries have had in it, it became especially hard for me to see why God would ever want us to support any type corruption. It didn't make sense. After some research this is what I came across and it makes perfect sense. God doesn't and would never support corruption, HE wants to make sure its very clear what the truth is and what Israel He is referring to so we can intelligently decide with our freewill which side we will stand on. What do you think? I hope you found as informative xoxo

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