Tuesday 16 April 2013

The Fibonacci Sequence- PROOF of GOD and that the World was Created/ Intelligently Designed

Something wonderful is happening! Millions of people are opening their eyes to the truth and to the lies we've been told.

Everything in existence is energy and is result of a frequency.This is a huge amount of evidence for Creation /Intelligent design.

The Golden Ratio a/b=a+b/a= Phi or 1.61803 or what is known as the Fibonacci sequence is found in everything. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,33,54 ...
Phi is the name it has been given and is a mathematical number whose formula appears in the structures of nature, it is found in planets and galaxies, it is found in humans and in our DNA makeup. It PROVES that the world was intelligently designed or Created not a cosmic accident. That everything truly is governed by God.

This is proof of Gods fingerprint on everything.

We as humans have 64 possible codes that are made from 4 elements Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. We only presently have 20 active codes. Our emotions physically shape the world we live in and our very own DNA fingerprint. The DNA molecule is self correcting. It has editorial type enzymes that repair mistakes. It represents a language and code that is not accidental.

The sequence1.618 is also called the Divine Proportion or Golden Ration as mentioned earlier. It sets our standard for beauty as well. From your toes to your belly button it is 1.618 times longer than your belly button to the top of your head. Even our teeth and phalanges show evidence of the golden ratio. In your baby finger each in length is multiplied by 1.618 right up to the fingernail for exact measurements and symmetry. Its also found in the measurements of the human arm. The tail of a seahorse has the mathematical formula of 1.1618, as do seashells, all kinds of flowers, sunflowers and plants, pineapples and pinecorns, snails,  as well as spirals in a hurricane or a tornado.

There is some research on the internet that is worth looking into.

How can we believe that from one single organism everything was created??? The theory of Evolution has been disproven widely and is now dead among many in the science world but big money has pushed to keep this truth out of our education system and out of societys hands deliberately. This is not by accident that this information is kept hidden and there is no denying the evidence.

The Bible tells us that God created EVERYTHING in the world in 7 days. How much more evidence do we need before we finally remove our pride and accept that there is a CREATOR and that we have been lied to for the purpose of control, greed and evil?

LOVE IS THE ANSWER and it is  what Jesus taught. It we all work together to do the right things and to help one another, we can make a difference and take some of the control back xoxoxoxoxo
God Bless

Recommend Watching Youtube video  Ancient Knowledge Fibonacci Sequence, golden ratio, Phi


  1. Not understanding an equation then saying, "god" did it is the lazy way out. This sequence abounds in the universe as well as other sequences. Proves that math is behind it not god. All religions are based from a single worship. Jesus never existed, there is absolutely no proof! His myth was taken from the Egyptians and other ancient myths referring to astronomical positions of the sun(son). This is very well known. Learn to use your critical thinking skills.

    1. no serious historian doubts the existence of Jesus, you ignorant slut. there is plenty more evidence for jesus than thousands of other people we know by name that lived at that time, yet Jesus' validity of existence is the only one that is attacked.

      and if you doubt the fibbonacci sequence and phi as proof of a creator, then why do we find these numbers in the layout of the bible.
      the fibbonacci sequence is not the only numerical pattern designed by God. we find the number 7 everywhere in nature and the bible. same with the number 10 and the number 40 and the number 3. all godly numbers.

      it would be the lazy way out if the bible didnt exist. but the fact that we find these numerical similarites both in nature and the bible (and no other holy book) should open your eyes

    2. There is actually lots of historical proof that Jesus existed, do your research.

    3. I see your point, there is no obvious evidence in society for existence of Jesus. My cynicism led me to read "Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. Journalist and Lawyer, Lee Strobel researches the evidence and writes his findings. With all the information and evidence you could let me know what you think then. Kind Regards, Natasha

    4. Pythagorus never existed. His myth was taken from the Egyptians and other ancient myths referring to astronomical positions of the sun(son). This is very well known. Learn to use your critical thinking skills. Right on shammy, you let em know whats what. .. for everyone here. There is faith required. mathematics is indeed quite strange.. and so is the universe.. it may in fact be said, we live in a universe of mind, or information. materialism is like so 1972

    5. Hello Sammyboy.
      Thank you for your sharing.
      Do you have scientific proof that Jesus Christ never existed? Understanding Jesus Christ and Mystery of His works and Mystery of Creation and existence is beyond the intellect of the greatest and smartest scientist on earth. Blessings

  2. What it actually proves my friend is that it is no accident. In order to be no accident,,, would mean someone responsible or a Creator would have to exist. To answer "math is the answer" is the quick answer because it is what we were indoctrinated to believe since public school in most cases. The myth is actually the other way around. The TRUTH IS that God existed first, then the fall of the angels took place where they were banished from heaven. They came to earth wanting to corrupt the seed of the Messiah and therefore mated with human women causing hybrid giants which is what your Egyptians referred to as their gods and where they got their advanced technology from. You are correct.about one thing....your version is more well known but is incorrect and real critical thinking skills will lead you to the truth and the Bible my friend :) Please do some research in this area .... God bless xo

  3. I want to ask where you got the information about how the human/corrupt angels hybrids where the actual Egyptian "gods' and how the hybrids gave them the technology they needed. I do understand there is a creator, and how phi gives some legible proof of a God.What others need to understand is that math is not proof that there is no God. God/ creator of universe is out there. There is too much proof in our world/universe that shows that this could not of happened by chance

    1. For the last three years I have been doing some research in this area and I have come across many texts that once all put together make it perfectly clear that this is exactly what happened. The stories are all so similar from the Bible and the other lost texts including the Book of Enoch and Book of Jasher specifically mentioned in the Bible although many warn us to stay away from it. If anyone warns you to stay away from anything that will lead you to the truth either way...whether to prove or disprove is usually an indication you are on to something... Keep digging. The Mayan and Hopi legends speak of similar beings or gods they referred to them as .... blonde hair blue eyes... Stitchen refers to them as Nordics Greek mythology and look at Zechariah Stitchens work(he refers to the blonde blue eyed beings as nordics) but keep in mind I don't think he uses the term "fallen angels" rather calls them "aliens" However once you understand the Bible and the Book of Genesis 3:15 and how it is a huge key, then look at the Book of Enoch along with Egyptian gods who simply were the fallen angels with Egyptian names...I have many blogs on my site referring to the fallen angels as the Bible does say that the 4 angels bound in the river euphrates will be released at the end times.... specifically when things are like they were in the Days of Noah...funny how they just came out with the movie starring Russell Crowe which is not even close to the true story but does talk alot about the fallen angels.... problem being they make them the good guys in the story..then we need to take a look at what was happening at that time... Bible says in the Days of Jared is when the angels fell.... but in the days of Noah, the race that had been created by the mating of the angels and humans was not the only issue.... the fallen angels and their offspring were mixing genetics with animals and other species much like we are doing today... Think real world Narnia! I know sounds unbelievable right...only its not :) . alot of the movie does share facts from the book of enoch however... Im not saying that the book of enoch is all true but I believe it holds information God wanted us to know as it helps to clear up questions especially in Genesis ... Im sorry this response was all over the place but it is such a HUGE PIECE of the puzzle.... Once we understand that the mating of humans and angels is what they were severely punished for and that they created hybrids called Nephelim or Giants.... and that even then they were trying to destroy the seed of the son of man from appearing on the earth.... They are angels...they of course knew that Jesus was coming down and wanted to stop that from happening. This same situation happens again when Hebrew childrens lives threatened,(story of Moses) and then again when Herod tries to kill all the children under the age of 2 when he hears the Messiah was actually born :) I hope you read my other blogs on the topic and I hope it assists you in your journey for the truth.. Jesus is the only answer to that riddle I'll save you some time but wont at all be offended if you need to research a little further... Im pretty confident that since its the truth,,,it will present itself to you :) God Bless xo

    2. Wow this post was right on point! Its good to know that there are people out there that have real truth and deep knowledge of the scriptures

    3. Wow this post was right on point! Its good to know that there are people out there that have real truth and deep knowledge of the scriptures

  4. Maybe someone has engineered us .. Maybe we are an experiment ..
    Maybe we are an accident .. and Fibonacci series can just be a pattern in chaos.

    1. That is a lot of maybes :) The Book of the Lord holds much prophecy that has proven true over a 4500 year time frame since science has again lied about dating and 36 billion years ago.. The funny thing is when u research the Bible it starts to become clear that science simply have come out with a theory to state the opposite of everything GOD already told us in the Bible.. do some research on NASA and how it originated,,,, check out Admiral Byrd and Antarctic and go from there....... it will help to explain why science would lie Good luck on mission for the truth

    2. How can there be a pattern in chaos there are no patterns in chaos people will build up any case to disprove god because they love sin.

  5. It is unfortunate that many do not have a very deep knowledge of Talmud (the Oral Torah), and Kaballah. It takes many years, maybe a lifetime to understand theses texts. Also Hebrew is a not only an alphabet, but each letter represents a number, so that the Torah is a series of numbers, with deep profound messages! Result= G-D created and continues to create!

    1. Why people ignore good evidence as with the Turin shroud being redated also to Jesus life time the Fibonacci numbers and link to the bible is another bonus . well done to your work great thanks David

  6. Simply put, phi is 1.618. The first verse in which the word "church" occurs in the Bible is Matthew 16:18; which as you may know is already a verse charged with controversy and overlapping themes--both plain and shall we say- coded. By comparing the many alpha/numeric/symbolic qualities of the Hebrew language with similar, largely untapped characteristics of English gematria, it is clear that the reality of this post goes much, much deeper than any of us may know. Notice that Jesus changes Simon's name to Peter, a word never before used as a mans name- also a name that begins with the 16th letter of the alphabet and ends with the 18th. The letter P occurs in the alphabet in a position which depicts the phi proportion in the the alphabet itself. Note that G=7, O=15, D=4 which totals 26- the number of letters in the alphabet. Using Hebrew gematria, YHWH also calculates to 26. Peter gematria gives us 64. Peter died in AD64 (possibly at the age of 64 as well) also an interesting link to the 64 DNA figure mentioned above. If the letter values of Peter are multiplied: 16x5x20x5x18 we get 144,000... a spectacularly significant number from Revelation to be sure! This type of data goes on and on, but suffice it to say it cannot have been "encoded" by mere mortals! Search youtube for "The Catholic Code" for more if you wish.

  7. Simply put, phi is 1.618. The first verse in which the word "church" occurs in the Bible is Matthew 16:18; which as you may know is already a verse charged with controversy and overlapping themes--both plain and shall we say- coded. By comparing the many alpha/numeric/symbolic qualities of the Hebrew language with similar, largely untapped characteristics of English gematria, it is clear that the reality of this post goes much, much deeper than any of us may know. Notice that Jesus changes Simon's name to Peter, a word never before used as a mans name- also a name that begins with the 16th letter of the alphabet and ends with the 18th. The letter P occurs in the alphabet in a position which depicts the phi proportion in the the alphabet itself. Note that G=7, O=15, D=4 which totals 26- the number of letters in the alphabet. Using Hebrew gematria, YHWH also calculates to 26. Peter gematria gives us 64. Peter died in AD64 (possibly at the age of 64 as well) also an interesting link to the 64 DNA figure mentioned above. If the letter values of Peter are multiplied: 16x5x20x5x18 we get 144,000... a spectacularly significant number from Revelation to be sure! This type of data goes on and on, but suffice it to say it cannot have been "encoded" by mere mortals! Search youtube for "The Catholic Code" for more if you wish.

  8. Your Fibonacci sequence in your OP is wrong

  9. Hi,
    I know this is an article a few months old but I believe I have more than enough evidence to PROVE the existence and Divine Omnipotence!
    Please read:

  10. And you all worship a god that allows rape and pillage of innocent children, little boys and girls that never did anything wrong. And you'll justify it in your minds as free will, and move on. Your mind can't comprehend the idea of there being no god. So you try to use math to explain it.

    1. I know you may never see this but I feel the need to reply about God allowing bad things to happen. I just stumbled on this site and don't know anything about the math stuff but Jesus, I know Him. :) We are of a fallen nature. Separated eternally from a holy God. This place we inhabit is temporal and fleeting but yet we were all created with an eternal void. Now some fill it with money, sex, drugs, food, ect... But to what end, there is never lasting satisfaction. There is evil here because men are evil apart from God. So if everything were perfect in the here and now how would we ever recognize our own depravity, our need for atonement. Why does God let bad things happen to good people?? Not as punishment or free will or even a sick joke, it's only His grace that allows us to see the evil of our hands to recognize our need for a savior. Jesus is our bridge to God. If things were perfect that would mean we were perfect and this would be Eden. Einstein said, (I'm paraphrasing lol) "Do you believe in cold, do you believe in darkness?" according to the laws of physics neither of these exsists because they have no source, cold is only the absence of heat darkness is the absence of light, therefore what is evil but the absence of God." No matter how you feel I will pray for you that God will sofeten your heart to His voice. :)

  11. You obviously can't comprehend the idea that God actually does exist

  12. Wow!
    One thing I always try to believe is that everyone can go any length to prove what he or she thinks is right.
    But, what if the God or the Creator wanted all these controversies. One thing I know is mortal hasn't reach a level to put intelligence in everything around us. We might one day but not now. To me, I see God as a high form of intelligence that put understanding behind everything around us and since we all have different approach to viewing things we all might end up being right. Those with the idea that there is no God would have the proof and the other way round. This is exactly what That Higher Form of Intelligence wants. We can't understand IT. We can crack what he actually wants us. let's all feel good and do what we believe in.

    But does God even wants to be called God?
    What if he is no where but amongst us?
    Why do we even call God a He?
    What if God is something without gender?

    We might all be going about this God's existence wrong. But I assure everyone is right in his or her own intelligence.

  13. Guys, Try google 'Holy Spirit' and then go to a catholic church and ask for any communities that conduct healing masses (not the usual Sunday mass). Go and experience Jesus and you will see the blind start to see, cancer is gone, addictions that you can not stop by your strength is switched off. Truth will set you free!! Find the truth. It's available to all of us yet you try to explain it by science. seek your self!!! You will be amazed. I did this 5 years ago and guys I don't believe but know and have a relationship with the creator. He answers through the people who are gifted with Holy Spirit like the good old days where apostle did miracles. Again truth will set you free. Until then no purpose of your life. What the hell you are doing this on earth??!

  14. Without the spirit of polemics, I would like to define what we call God. The God of creation is undoubtedly the creative mind; And by the scientific evidence that the human being has at his disposal today, we can conclude without fear of being mistaken, that the whole creation has an intelligent design. If we call this Big Bang or God, it does not change the results, but that discussion, the only thing that will do is to move away from the common goal that is the study of the evidences that we have today.
    Whether the amount of petals of a flower, the curvature of a snail's shell, or the quantity of seeds that a grapefruit possesses, obviously this means that everything is based on an intelligent and repeated design in all beings of creation. I am a chemist by academic training, with specialization in Electrochemistry, so I work in the field of healing frequencies for a little more than 30 years. Current science possesses the scientific evidence that everything originates in the first frequencies described in the lir Genesis, as the "desire" of God, to create. In this way, when the words "let there be light", the creator of the universe emitted the first sentence that generated the first frequency of DNA, which then, by self-multiplication, generated the first atom, then the first molecule, and so on.
    Any evidence from you can easily see it. Until about 1982, RS (Schumann Resonance) - a frequency emitted by mother earth - from thousands of years ago, was 7.83 Kz. From that year onwards, this frequency was increasing, being currently around 12.2 Hz, which also explains why we perceived that the days became shorter. This is related to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which explains that every moving body carries with it its own time and its own space; Therefore, if a RS of 7.83 Hz we had a day of 24 hoursWithin a RS 12.2 we would have a day of just something close to 16 hours for each day.
    The sequence of Fibonacci (0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21 ...) shows us that the quantic jump produced is within the intelligent design of the creation, because if we consider the RS 7.83 (near Fibonacci number 8) made a jump to current 12.2 (also near to 13 Fibonacci), it´s within the range expected by that intelligent mathematical design.

  15. This theory actually proves evolution is true. Your intellectual acrobatics in trying to avoid that fact is dreadfully amusing. You would be smarter to understand that if God exists, It moves in mysterious ways. One of those mysterious ways is in the Evolution of DNA. You would be smarter to start arguing the evolution is proof that an intelligent creationary force ("God" in your language) exists. And that these awesome mathematical patterns are proof of that. Just drop all the fundamentalist bull hockey. Religious fundamentalism has been disproved, not evolution.

  16. The theory of evolution has nothing to do with Fibo. Darwin said all species come from one original and that species mutate into other species, but lab science (evolutions alchemy) has never produced a new species.if evolution worked at all we would still be seeing new species evolving by themselves and science would find the pattern. But reality is that reproduction is proof in itself that new kinds of beings never occur in nature. Only in the depraved mentalities of so-called science and science fiction can this lie exist. Man's imagination can't even drum up a species that isn't modeled after an already existing species.The heavens declare the glory of God.
